Desmond O'Grady |
Desmond O'Grady was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1935. He left during
the 1950s to teach and write in Paris, Rome and America where he took his
doctorate at Harvard while a Teaching Fellow there. He has also taught
at the American University in Cairo and the University of Alexandria, Egypt.
During the late 1950s to the mid-1970s, while teaching in Rome, he was
a founder member of the European Community of Writers, European editor
of The Transatlantic Review, and organised the Spoleto International
Poetry Festival. Now he lives in Kinsale, Co. Cork. His publications number
seventeen collections of poetry, including The Road Taken: Poems 1956
- 1996 and The Wandering Celt, ten collections of translated
poetry, among them Trawling Tradition: Translations 1954 - 1994
and Selected Poems of C. P. Cafavy, and prose memoirs of his literary
acquaintances and friends. He was a member of Ireland's Aosdána.
Desmond died on 25 August 2014 of a heart attack in Kinsale, two days short of his 79th birthday.
Books available from Poetry Salzburg:
Wolfgang Görtschacher & Andreas Schachermayr (eds.): The Wide World. A Desmond O'Grady Casebook.
With New Poems 2003 by Desmond O'Grady, June 2003.
225 pp. ISBN 3-901993-14-2. £18.00 (+ 2.50 p&p), €22.00 (+ 3.00 p&p), US$ 30.00 (+ 4.00 p&p)
The Road Taken. Poems 1956 - 1996, 1996. 487 pp.
ISBN 3-7052-0999-X. £19.95 (+ 3.00 p&p), €30.50 (+ 3.50 p&p), US$ 42.00 (+ 5.00 p&p)
Trawling Tradition. Translations 1954 - 1994, 1994. 606 pp.
ISBN 3-7052-0920-5. £20.95 (+ 3.00 p&p), €31.50 (+ 3.50 p&p), US$ 43.50 (+ 5.00 p&p)