Wolfgang Görtschacher
Wolfgang Görtschacher was born in Linz, Austria, in 1960. He read English and American Studies as well as German Language and Literature at the University of Salzburg. He gained his PhD with a history of the little magazines in Great Britain from 1939 until 1993. At present he is a Senior Assistant Professor at the University of Salzburg teaching literary criticism and translation studies. He is the author of Little Magazine Profiles: The Little Magazines in Great Britain 1939-1993 (1993) and Contemporary Views on the Little Magazine Scene (2000). He co-edited (with Ludwig Laher) So also ist das / So That's What It's Like: Eine zweisprachige Anthologie britischer Gegenwartslyrik (Haymon, 2002), (with Laima Sruoginis) Raw Amber: An Anthology of Contemporary Lithuanian Poetry (Poetry Salzburg, 2002), The Romantic Imagination: A William Oxley Casebook (2005), Fiction and Literary Prizes in Great Britain (2006), Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses’ in English Poetry (2009), Mozart in Anglophone Cultures (2009), and Sound Is/As Sense (with David Malcolm, 2016). He has published numerous articles on contemporary poetry, the little magazine and small press scene, translation studies, crime fiction, and the short story. He is the owner-director of the press Poetry Salzburg (formerly University of Salzburg Press), edits the little magazine Poetry Salzburg Review (formerly The Poet's Voice), and works as literary critic, translator, editor, and publisher. With Wolfgang Pöckl he co-edits the academic journal Moderne Sprachen. Current projects include the Companion to British and Irish Poetry, 1960-2015 for Wiley Blackwell (with David Malcolm).