| Nicholas Bielby |
| Nicholas Bielby is a retired lecturer at Leeds University who currently runs and edits the poetry magazinePennine Platform and the poetry publisher Graft Poetry. He read English under F. R. Leavis at Downing College,Cambridge – but, halfway through, changed to Philosophy. Later, he took an MA at Leeds. After university he taught atthe University of Agra in India before taking up Primary teaching in England and then Teacher Education. He has writtenseveral books on reading, and has acted as a consultant to the Government and several major publishers. In addition,he has published a book on early Tudor poetry and has contributed to several books including The Edinburgh Companionto the Bible and the Arts (Edinburgh UP, 2014). He has written three previous books of poetry and has won numerousprizes in competitions including the Arvon International and New Poetry. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Nicholas Bielby: The Naming of Things, April 2015. 96 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-49-7 £10.50 (+ 2.00 p&p), €11.00 (+ 2.00 p&p), US$ 13.00 (+ 3.00 p&p) |