| Scott Elder |
| Scott Elder studied at the American University in Paris and the University of Puget Sound. He lived as a street musicianin Paris and London, then worked as a mime in France and Portugal before spending twelve years in a Buddhist hermitage inFrance. He now lives in Auvergne with his wife and three young children. His poems have appeared in Acta Victoriana,The Antigonish Review, Crannog, Cyphers, Dream Catcher, Ecumes, The French Literary Review,Nimrod International, Orbis, and Poetry Salzburg Review and are forthcoming in Big Muddy, Cake,Quiddity International, and Sentinel. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Scott Elder: Breaking Away, July 2015. 36 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-52-7 (= PSPS 15) £5.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), €5.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), US$ 8.00 (+ 1.50 p&p) Send an e-mail to order this book |