| Terry Jones |
| Originally from Bradford in West Yorkshire, Terry Jones studied Literature at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.He received a post-graduate qualification in teaching at Manchester University. Afterwards he worked in the constructionindustries in Germany and Greece. He has since taught access and degree courses at Carlisle College. He is married,with three grown-up daughters, and lives on the Cumbrian borders. Under the auspices of the Cumbria Community Arts Projecthe worked as an editor of collections and an anthology of poetry. His own poetry has appeared in many UK magazines andnewspapers, including Agenda, Envoi, Iota, Obsessed with Pipework, Poetry Review,The Dark Horse, The London Magazine, The Observer, and The Rialto. He was awarded 1st prize(Poetry) by Carol Ann Duffy in this year's Bridport International Writing Competition. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Terry Jones: Furious Resonance, June 2011. 40 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-35-0 (= PSPS 5) £6.00 (+ 1.00 p&p), €6.00 (+ 1.00 p&p), US$ 8.50 (+ 1.50 p&p) Send an e-mail to order this book |