Anne MacLeod studied medicine in Aberdeen. She lives in the Highlandswhere she works as a dermatologist. She has four children. Her poems andshort stories have been widely published in Scottish literary magazinesand anthologies. just the caravaggio is her second full-length collection;her first Standing by Thistles (Scottish Cultural Press, 1997) wasnominated for the Saltire First Book of the Year Award. Her first novel,The Dark Ship incorporating a poetry collection by one of the characters(A Private View) was published in 2001 by 11:9 (Glasgow).
Books available from Poetry Salzburg:
Anne MacLeod: just the caravaggio, 1999 (2nd ed. 2001). 94 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-00-8; ISBN-10 3-901993-00-2 £10.50 (+ 2.00 p&p), €11.00 (+ 2.00 p&p), US$ 13.00 (+ 3.00 p&p)