After graduating in Music and English from University College Dublin, Jim Maguire worked in journalism, writing mainlyabout the arts. For many years he lived in Korea, the setting of his collection of short stories, Quiet People(Lapwing, 2008). His poems have won several awards and prizes, including an Arts Council of Ireland Literature Bursaryand the Strokestown International Poetry Prize. He works as an adult education tutor in his hometown of Wexford,where he lives with his family. |
 Jim Maguire at the Shine / Strong Award Poetry Reading (from left to right: Tara Bergin, Paula Cunningham, Martin Dyar, Nicki Griffin, and Jim Maguire) Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Jim Maguire: Music Field, July 2013. 72 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-40-4 £9.50 (+ 2.00 p&p), €10.00 (+ 2.00 p&p), US$ 12.00 (+ 3.00 p&p) Send an e-mail to order this book |