| William Oxley |
| William Oxley (1939-2020) was born in Manchester. A poet and philosopher, he has also worked as accountant, part-time gardener,and actor. At present he divides his time between London and South Devon. His poems have been widelypublished throughout the world, in magazines and journals as diverse as Sparrow and The Formalist (USA),The Scotsman, New Statesman, Agenda, Stand, The Independent,The Spectator, and The Observer. He has also read his work on UK and European radio. His most recent booksof poetry have been Cardboard Troy (Stride, 1993), Collected Longer Poems (Salzburg University Press, 1994),and The Green Crayon Man (Rockingham Press, 1997). In 1981 the Menard Press published his translations ofthe poetry of L.S. Senghor (Poems of a Black Orpheus), and in 1996 a volume of his plays was published bythe University of Salzburg. He is a former member of the General Council of the Poetry Society and ex-assistanteditor of Acumen. In 1995 he edited the anthology Completing the Picture for Stride. The founder of theLong Poem Group, he co-edits its newsletter. In 1999 Rockingham Press published his autobiographyNo Accounting for Paradise, and in Spring 2001 his Reclaiming The Lyre: New and Selected Poems. He was Millennium Year poet-in-residence for Torbay in Devon. He died on 4 February 2020. William Oxley was featured poet for January 2006 at Falcon Editions:www.falconeditions.com A full interview with William Oxley is available on The Poetry Kit:www.poetrykit.org | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Wolfgang Görtschacher & Glyn Pursglove (eds.): A Glass of New Made Wine. William Oxley at Sixty, 1999.156 pp. ISBN 3-901993-05-2 £12.00 (+ 2.50 p&p), €12.00 (+ 2.50 p&p), US$ 15.00 (+ 3.00 p&p)
Order copies of A Glass of New Made Wine. William Oxley at Sixty via PayPalWilliam Oxley: The Playboy. 1992. 109 pp. ISBN 3-7052-0223-5.£7.95 William Oxley: Collected Longer Poems. 1994. 416 pp. ISBN 3-7052-0627-3.£14.95 William Oxley: Three Plays. 1996. 246 pp. ISBN 3-7052-0781-4.£9.95 Vitalism and Celebration: Anthony Johnson; William Oxley; PeterRussell, ed. James Hogg. 1987. 188 pp. £10.95 Outsiders Vol. 1: Roy Campbell; Peter Russell; William Oxley; AnthonyL. Johnson, ed. James Hogg. 1989. 223 pp. £10.95 Outsiders Vol. 2: William Oxley, ed. James Hogg. 1992. 123 pp.ISBN 3-7052-0209-X. £8.50 Distinguishing Poetry: Writings on Poetry, by William Oxley;ed. Glyn Pursglove. 245 pp. ISBN Z000015723. £10.95 William Oxley: The Cauldron of Inspiration. 1983. £17.95 A Vitalist Seminar: Studies in the Poetry of Peter Russell, AnthonyL. Johnson and William Oxley. ed. James Hogg. 1984. £ 17.95 On Poets & Poetry: Fifth Series (2 essays by W. Oxley),ed. James Hogg. 1983. £ 6.95 Of Human Consciousness: A Philosophical Discourse, by WilliamOxley. 1982. £ 6.95 The Role of Nature in William Oxley's Poetry, by Eva Mörwald.128 pp. £9.95 |