Heidi Prüger with poet and scholar Erich W. Skwara | Heidelinde Prüger |
| Heidelinde (Heidi) Prüger was born in Vienna in 1973. Specialisingin the fields of Scottish and Austrian literature, she graduated with first-classhonours Mag.phil. from Klagenfurt and translated William Soutar's Seedsin the Wind from Scots into Viennese in 1998. Since then, she has beena productive literary scholar, editor and poet. In 1999, Heidelinde Prüger'sfirst collection of poems, Bilder einer Stimme, was published byBibliothek der Provinz. Her study of William Soutar, The Righteousnessof Life, was nominated for the "Saltire Scottish First Book of theYear Award". In 2001, she graduated with a PhD summa cum laude sub auspiciispraesidentis at the University of Salzburg. For Journey WithoutEnding: The Journals of William Soutar she received the "Kulturpreisdes Landes Niederösterreich 2001". Further publications include Zigeunersein (Best of Buchklub 2002), Frau Weberl schickt den Kaiser aus(togetherwith J. Wilkie), At the Year's Fa': Selected Poems by Alex Galloway(ed. and introd.) and, together with James Hogg, The Salzburg Book ofScottish Monks. She was awarded the "Theodor-Körner-Förderungspreisfür Wissenschaft und Kunst", the "Würdigungspreis des Bundesministeriumsfür Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur" and the Diploma of Honour, St.Andrew-Association. Heidi Prüger is on the editorial board of PoetrySalzburg Review and has contributed to numerous journals and periodicals.She is currently a project leader and lecturer at the University of Viennaand lives among the Magic Mountains of Payerbach. You can contact her atheidi.prueger@aon.at. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Heidelinde Prüger: Journey Without Ending: The Journals of WilliamSoutar, 2001. 288 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-10-7; ISBN-10 3-901993-10-X £18.00 (+ 3.00 p&p), €18.00 (+ 3.00 p&p), US$ 23.00 (+ 4.00 p&p) |