| Alec Taylor |
Alec Taylor, born in Liverpool in 1947, studied Classics at Leeds University and, armed with a degree, stayed there for a year of teacher training. He started teaching Latin
and Greek in Stafford. After several happy years a botched comprehensivisation of Stafford schools left classicists with small Latin and less Greek, and much anguish.
He perforce took to teaching English - and was promptly captivated and inspired by the glories of English poetry. Eventually he moved back to Latin and grammar school life
in Chelmsford and, later, Orpington. Having moved home to Torbay, he fell in with a group of poets who urged him to submit poems to magazines. Acumen was the first to take him
up and also published his pamphlet Identity Theft (2012).
| Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Alec Taylor. Fool If They Weren't, 1 September 2021. 96 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-81-7 £11.00 (+ 2.00 p&p), €11.00 (+ 2.00 p&p), US$ 13.00 (+ 3.00 p&p)
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