| Mark Terrill |
| Mark Terrill shipped out of San Francisco as a merchant seaman to the Far East and beyond, studied and spent time withPaul Bowles in Tangier, Morocco, and has lived in Germany since 1984, where he's worked as a shipyard welder, road managerfor rock bands, cook, and postal worker. His poems, prose, memoirs, criticism and translations have appeared in over500 literary journals and anthologies worldwide, a dozen chapbooks, several broadsides and three full-length collections,including Kid with Gray Eyes (Cedar Hill Books, 2001) and Bread & Fish (The Figures, 2002). He recentlyguest-edited a special German Poetry issue of the Atlanta Review, which includes his translations of Günter Grass,Peter Handke, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann and many others. Currently he lives on the grounds of a former shipyard near Hamburgwith his wife and a large brood of cats. | Books available from Poetry Salzburg:Mark Terrill: Laughing Butcher Berlin Blues, December 2010. 36 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-33-6 (= PSPS 4) £5.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), €5.50 (+ 1.00 p&p), US$ 8.00 (+ 1.50 p&p) Send an e-mail to order this book |