Contributors to Poetry Salzburg Review E

PAT EARNSHAW, a biologist, is also an authority on antiquelaces and author of fifteen reference books on the subject. The manuscript of her memoriesof infancy and early childhood was awarded an Arts Council of England South East grant,and was a semi-finalist in the Robert E. Lee and Ruth L. Wilson Poetry Book Award Contest (USA) in 2004.Her latest publications are The Golden Hinde (Redbeck Press, 2002) and Gothic Tales(Gorse Publications, 2005), a Poetry Book Society Recommendation.[PSR 4][PSR 7][PSR 10][PSR 12]

CLIVE EASTWOOD was born 1950 in Lancashire. He is now retired and lives in Kent. A fullcollection Fly in Red Wine was published by the National Poetry Foundation in 2000.[PSR 28]

MEG EDEN's work has appeared in Drunken Boat, Eleven Eleven, Rattle, andRock & Sling. She published three pamphlets: The Girl Who Came Back (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2013),Rotary Phones and Facebook (Dancing Girl Press, 2012), and Your Son (NFSPS, 2012). She teaches atthe University of Maryland.[PSR 28]

KEN EDWARDS is active in music as well as writing.His collections include Intensive Care (Pig Press, 1986), Good Science (Roof Books, 1992),3600 Weekends (Oasis, 1993), eight + six (Reality Street, 2003), andNo Public Language: Selected Poems 1975-95 (Shearsman, 2006). He has been editor/publisherof Reality Street Editions since 1993. He works as an editor for the Royal College of Nursing in London.[PSR 11]

MICHAEL EDWARDS taught at the universities of Warwick and Essex, before being elected Professor of Literary Creation in English at the Collège de France, Paris. Early volumes of poetry and critical works appeared in England; he then turned to French for further collections of poetry and numerous works on European literature, painting and music, on philosophy, language, and the Bible. The first Briton admitted to the Académie française, he has an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Cambridge, where he is also an Honorary Fellow of Christ’s College. He has been awarded the OBE and a Knighthood in Britain, and the Légion d’Honneur in France. At the Brasserie Lipp is his new collection (Carcanet, 2019). [PSR 21] [PSR 34]

MICHAEL EGAN is a poet from Liverpool. He is currently studying for a PhD on space inmodern poetry. He is the author of a small collection of poetry, The River Swam (Paula Brown Publishing, 2005),and the editor of The Binturong Review.[PSR 17]

MIGUEL EICHELBERGER is from Vancouver. His poetry has appeared in Existere, From the Well House, Joypuke, pacificREVIEW, and Vancouver Review. His first play, Cave, was selected for the 2015 rEvolver Festival. [PSR 30]

HANNAH EKBERG was born in the American Midwestin 1976. Studied creative writing and French at Illinois State University. Her travels took her to Scotland, initially to work at Chapman Magazine, and then Paris where she participated in an ex-pat group of writers. Currently working on various writing projects in Geneva, Switzerland. [PSR 5]

NEIL ELDER has won the Cinnamon Press debut collection prize with The Space Between Us (2018), as well as their pamphlet prize with Codes of Conduct (Deep Down Books, 2016). Other work includes a chapbook, Being Present (The Black Light Engine Room Press, 2017), and And the House Watches On (Cicero Press, 2020). His latest work is Like This (4Word Press, 2021) [PSR 41]

SCOTT ELDER lived as a busker and mime in Paris, London, and Portugal before spending twelve years in retreat in a Buddhist hermitage in Auvergne. He now resides in France with his wife and three young children. His poems have been published by Plein Page Editeur and Poetry Cornwall and will be appearing in the forthcoming issues of The Antigonish Review, Nimrod International Journal, and Orbis. [PSR 25]

IRIS ELGRICHI spent seven years as a classical Japanese scholar at Kanazawa University, Japan. Currently, she is working as a Japanese translator in Israel. With British writer, Judy Kendall, she has translated haiku (Suiko / The Water Jar, Miyaji Eiko, Japan,1999); Noh (extracts and adaptations of Kinuta performed in Kyoto, Kanazawa, and Austria, 1998-2000, won the 2000 9th Uchimura Prize; extractsfrom Michimori published in Equinox, 2002); and kyogen (Fumininaiworkshopped by Kataribe Theatre, Kanazawa, 2001). [PSR 6]

A native New Yorker, FLORENCE ELON now divides her time between England and America. She has taught Creative Writing and Literature at the University of California (Berkeley) and as Visiting Writer at Yale, Northwestern, George Washington University. Her publications include Treble Poets 2 (with Daniel Halpern and Gerda Mayer; Chatto & Windus,1975), Odd Birds (Sceptre, 1976), Self-Made (Secker & Warburg, 1984),and Expecting a Declaration of War (Hearing Eye, 2004). [PSR 7] [PSR 10] [PSR 13]

ANA ELSNER was born in post-war Germany and educated in Europe before she decided to makeher home in the US. Now retired, she is also engaged in translating the works of German-language poets into English.Her latest book of poetry is Ciphers of Uncommon Origins (InstaPLANET Press, 2007). [PSR 17]

STEVE ELY has published several books of poetry, most recently Incendium Amoris (Smokestack) and Bloody, Proud & Murderous Men, Adulterers & Enemies of God (The High Window, both 2017). He lectures in Creative Writing at the University of Huddersfield where he is Director of the Ted Hughes Network. [PSR 32]

ODYSSEUS ELYTIS, born in 1911 in Crete ofa Lesbian family, is widely recognized as Greece's greatest poet of thesecond half of the twentieth century. He published many volumes of proseand poetry, the first in 1939, the last from his last year. His book-length poem The Axion Esti has attained for the Greeks the status of anational epic. Elytis' chief poetic influences are Sappho and Pindar, Solomosand Kalvos, Hölderlin and French Surrealism. Especially renowned forhis musical free verse and sunlit Aegean aesthetic, he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1979. He died in 1996. [PSR 7]

IAN M. EMBERSON worked for many years as Music Librarian at Huddersfield, but has now retired. He has had ten books published, including his novel-in-verse Pirouette of Earth (Salzburg UP, 1995). He also works as an artist. His paintings are well-known through picture postcards. [PSR 3] [PSR 14]

LENNY EMMANUEL retired from Pathology and English at Indiana University in 1996.He became poetry editor of The New Laurel Review in 1998. Three collections: The Icecream Lady (1997), Blue Rain (2010), and Goodbye, America! (2012; all Ramparts). His new collection HEARTHS is forthcoming this year. He lives in Pass Christian, MS. [PSR 23]

STEPHEN EMMERSON, born in 1976, lives in Leeds. He has worked at an abattoir,a recycling plant and a bottle factory. Recently, his poems have appeared in Spine and Great Works. [PSR 14]

MICHAEL ENGELHARDT was born in Erlangen, Germany, in 1952, where he still lives.Among his teachers at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nuremberg were Clemens Fischer and Günther Voglsamer. At the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Rudolf Hausner was his most prominent teacher. In his paintings he aims at authenticity in the space-time orientation; at the same time he represents human life in its uniqueness, unmistakableness and irretrievability. Still life, whether in its pure form or in combination with an inte-rior or a landscape, exotic and mythological landscapes, as well as nudes and portraits are among his preferred motifs. [PSR 23]

MARGARITA ENGLE is a botanist and the author ofThe Poet-Slave of Cuba (Henry Holt, 2006), Skywriting (Bantam), and Singing to Cuba (Arte Público). Work appeared in journals such as Atlanta Review, Bilingual Review, California Quarterly, Caribbean Writer,Georgetown Review, and Hawai'i Pacific Review. [PSR 10]

ROBERT ENRIGHT holds an MA in German, but chose to enter the legal profession. As a lawyer he contributed articles to Compensation Quarterly, Connecticut Bar Journal, and Connecticut Criminal Procedure. His poems are being published for the first time in Poetry Salzburg Review. He is an avid bicyclist who has ridden across the United States, from the Pacific to the Atlantic, seven times. [PSR 39]

JOSÉ ENSCH was born in Luxembourg where she lives and works as a teacher. She is a widely published poet (her work has been translated into several languages) and a member of the Arts and Language section of the Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg. In 1998, her collection Dans les cages du vent (Editions Phi, 1997) won her the Prix Servais. [PSR 8]

BEN ENTWISTLE was born in Woolwich in London, grew up in West Yorkshire, studied Theology at Nottingham University, qualified as a Probation Officer at Sheffield in 1992, and still works for the Service 3 days a week, at the Crown Court in Chester. He is in the second year of the Poetry MA at Manchester Metropolitan University. He has read twice at the Albert Poets in Huddersfield and is a member of the Chester Poets. This is his first magazine publication. [PSR 31]

DANIEL EREDITARIO was born in Ohio in 1981 and later studied at Miami University. Various video poems of his can be found at Meshworks, an online archive of writing in performance, and other places on the web. [PSR 15]

MARTÍN ESPADA's latest book, The Meaning of the Shovel, was publishedby Smokestack Books in early 2014. The Trouble Ball (Norton, 2011) received the Milt Kessler Award,a Massachusetts Book Award, and an International Latino Book Award. The Republic of Poetry (Norton, 2006) was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. The title poem of his collection Alabanza (Norton, 2004), about 9/11, has been widely anthologized and performed. Espada teaches at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. [PSR 26]

American expatriate CARRIE ETTER has been resident in England since 2001. Her first collection, The Tethers (Seren, 2009), won the London Festival Fringe New Poetry Award, while her second, Divining for Starters,was published by Shearsman earlier this year. She is Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University. [PSR 4] [PSR 7] [PSR 9] [PSR 20]

LEE EUSTACE has had work published in Apricot Lit, Free_The_Verse, Dipity Lit, Hotpot Magazine, SeaGlass Literary, The Martello Journal, TheNewVerse News, and The London Wildlife Trust. He lives in Dublin. [PSR 40]

NAUSHEEN EUSUF lives and teaches in Dhaka, Bangladesh. She holds an MA in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University and her poems have appeared in Acumen, Orbis, Envoi, and Möbius,among others. [PSR 17]

KATY EVANS-BUSH was born in New York and has lived in London since the age of 19. Her poems have appeared in The Rialto, Stand, and Manhattan Review. Her debut collection, Me and the Dead, was published by Salt in 2008. [PSR 6] [PSR 11] [PSR 16]

BLAIR EWING lives north of Baltimore. He is a former child TV actor, lifeguard, golf-course drone, congressional intern, political pollster, and assistant brain at The United States Institute of Peace. He published two books of poems, both by Argonne House Press in Washington, D.C.: Chainsaw Teddybear (1999) &And to the Republic (2002). His poems were published in Acumen, Angel Exhaust, Gargoyle, Poetry Ireland Review, Poetry New Zealand, and Versal. [PSR 23] [PSR 25] [PSR 27] [PSR 29] [PSR 36] [PSR 38]