Wolfgang Görtschacher & Andreas Schachermayr (eds.)
The Romantic Imagination. A William Oxley Casebook
April 2005. 240 pp. ISBN-13 978-3-901993-20-6; ISBN-10 3-901993-20-7 (= SACS 1)
£24.50 (+ 2.50 p&p), €30.00 (+ 3.00 p&p), US$41.00 (+ 4.00 p&p)
Table of Contents:
- Wolfgang Görtschacher & Andreas Schachermayr: Introduction
- William Oxley / Rupert Loydell: An Imaginative Life
- Glyn Pursglove: "Awful innocence": William Oxley's Poetic Conversation with Coleridge
- Christopher J. P. Smith: William Oxley, Unreconstructed Romantic? Keeping in the Drift of Words
- Sabine Coelsch-Foisner: "Feline Metamorphosis": Turning Ovid Topsy-Turvy
- Parvin Loloi: Englishing Hafiz: Working with William Oxley
- Anthony Johnson: William Oxley, Poet
- Glyn Pursglove: William Oxley's Long Poems
- Patricia Oxley: The Visions of Mad Tom o'Bedlam
- Glyn Pursglove: Distinguishing Poetry
- William Oxley / Ted Slade: Adding to the Imaginative / Truth to Feeling
- Wolfgang Görtschacher: Littack: Shouting from the Rooftops
- James Hogg: William Oxley and Salzburg
- William Oxley / Wolfgang Görtschacher: The Last Amateur
- Markus Oppolzer: Overtopping the Immediate