Poetry Salzburg Review

Published twice a year by Poetry Salzburg.

Editor: Wolfgang Görtschacher
Editorial Board: John Challis, Hilary Davies, Lisa Fishman, Martin Malone, Lisa Samuels,
Former Co-Editor: Andreas Schachermayr (Nos. 14-28)
Former Members of the Editorial Board: Ally Acker (Nos. 19-29), William Bedford (Nos. 13-29), Robert Dassanowsky (1960-2023, Nos. 4-40), Vahni Capildeo (Nos. 30-32), Keith Hutson (31-37), Klaus Martens (Nos. 1-12), David Miller (Nos. 1-19), Caitriona O'Reilly (Nos. 21-29), Heidi Prüger (Nos. 1-7)

ISSN 1561-5871

We would like to thank the Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research in Vienna for their support (2001-2011).

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 Subscription (2 issues)  £ 35.00  € 35.00  US$ 50.00
 Students/unwaged/OAPs  £ 32.00  € 32.00  US$ 46.00
 Single Copies  £ 20.00  € 20.00  US$ 30.00
 Students/unwaged/OAPs  £ 18.00  € 18.00  US$ 28.00

You can pay your subscription with Paypal (www.paypal.com)by using our email address: editor@poetrysalzburg.com.
Please make £-cheques payable to WOLFGANG GÖRTSCHACHER.

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Read about all contributors to PSR.

If you want to submit your work to PSR then please read our submission guidelines first.

The following issues are available:

PSR 1 (Spring 2001)

PSR 2 (Winter 2001/02)

PSR 3 (Autumn 2002)

PSR 4 (Spring 2003)

PSR 5 (Autumn 2003)

PSR 6 (Summer 2004)

PSR 7 (Winter 2004/05)

PSR 8 (Autumn 2005)

PSR 9 (Spring 2006)

PSR 10 (Autumn 2006)

PSR 11 (Spring 2007)
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PSR 12 (Autumn 2007)
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PSR 13 (Spring 2008)

PSR 14 (Autumn 2008)

PSR 15 (Spring 2009)

PSR 16 (Autumn 2009)

PSR 17 (Spring 2010)

PSR 18 (Autumn 2010)

PSR 19 (Spring 2011)

PSR 20 (Autumn 2011)

PSR 21 (Spring 2012)

PSR 22 (Autumn 2012)

PSR 23 (Spring 2013)

PSR 24 (Autumn 2013)

PSR 25 (Spring 2014)
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PSR 26 (Autumn 2014)

PSR 27 (Spring 2015)
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PSR 28 (Autumn 2015)
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PSR 29 (Summer 2016)
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PSR 30 (Spring 2017)
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PSR 31 (Autumn 2017)
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PSR 32 (Spring 2018)

PSR 33 (Winter 2018/2019)

PSR 34 (Summer 2019)

PSR 35 (Summer 2020)
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PSR 36 (Winter 2020)
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PSR 37 (Summer 2021)
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PSR 38 (Spring 2022)
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PSR 39 (Autumn 2022)
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PSR 40 (Summer 2023)

PSR 41 (Summer 2024)

PSR 42 (Spring 2025)

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