English Poetry published at the University of Salzburg

Latest News:

In 3-4 hours we have to say goodbye to our editorial assistant Tinkerbell and put her on the longest journey. We are very grateful that she has spent such a long time with us, thank you Tinkerbell for all your love, empathy and support. We are very sad and in tears. We will always love you and miss you.

Pre-publication orders for Ricarda Huch's collection Autumn Fire are already possible. Copies will be available on 1 November 2024.

Buy a copy of Robert Rehder's I'm back and still returning (2016) or Fred Beake's latest collection Out of Silence (2020) and you will receive a free copy from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series.

By now every contributor and subscriber should have received their copy of our new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 41 (Summer 2024). Thanks to Martin Malone all the UK copies could be posted much earlier than expected. They were sent in a big box to his new home in Ireland and he went across the border to post them from Northern Ireland. Still the costs for postage and printing have reached unexpected dimensions. Nonetheless we are probably the only magazine that has not increased the sub price since the pandemic. This may have to change in the future. Although there is an increasing number of institutions that appreciate the quality of our magazine and take out subscriptions - most recently the National Library of Scotland - many readers and poets have not renewed their subs. Others appreciate publication in our magazine but have not yet been persuaded to support us. If you do not want to take out a subscription because there are already too many books sitting on your shelves, you can also make a donation and pay it into our Paypal account by using the email address editor@poetrysalzburg.com.

Having just returned from the magnificent Aphra Behn Conference in Canterbury where I gave a paper and chaired a session, I will shortly start to read the many manuscripts that have been submitted in the past 16 months when I have been unable to deal with them due to too many academic commitments. I have already started to work on the projects that have been accepted, Timothy Adès's translation of Ricarda Huch's last poetry collection and a pamphlet by Michael Spinks entitled Past Loves.

The copies of the new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 41 (Summer 2024) have arrived from our German printers. On Monday we will start to post the first copies. It is once again a fascinating issue: more than 80 contributors, with new work published on more than 180 pages; a substantial translation section introducing poets for the first time to the English-language poetry scene; in-depth review essays accompanied my new poems by the reviewed poets, among them John Greening, Sean O'Brien, Graham Fulton, David Kinloch, W. D. Jackson, and Karl Riordan. Just today Poetry Salzburg Review has been described in the following way: "it stands out among poetry journals for the breadth and depth of material contained within it."

Support a magazine that is independent and does not receive any public funding. On the other hand, we are probably the only poetry magazine that has not increased the sub price since the pandemic. This is link for taking out a subscription: http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/psr.htm

Tomorrow our German printers will start with the production of Poetry Salzburg Review 41 (Summer 2024). Copies will arrive in Salzburg within 5-6 weeks. Please renew your subscription or take one out. Support our poetry magazine that does not receive any public funding.

It is a great pleasure to announce the publication of Gardenstown (Broken Sleep Books) by Martin Malone and Bryan Angus. The book is a sequence of Martin's remarkable poetry, interspersed with Angus's exquisite linocuts, which capture the essence of the people, places and wildlife in north-east Scotland.

For orders: https://www.brokensleepbooks.com/product-page/martin-malone-bryan-angus-gardenstown

Earlier today we submitted the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 41 (Summer 2024) to our German printers. Please renew your subscription or take one out.

Due to the academic projects I am involved in and many other academic commitments Poetry Salzburg Review 41 will be the summer 2024 issue. We will publish new poems by more than 60 poets, among them are Sean O'Brien, Penelope Shuttle, Graham Fulton, David Kinloch, John Greening, W. D. Jackson, and Karl Riordan. Once again a very strong selection of translated poetry: Alara Adilow translated by Judith Wilkinson, Marc Tritsmans translated by John Irons, and David Malcolm and I have translated poems by the Austrian poet Peter Simon Altmann and the German poet Peter Wawerzinek, who received the Ingeborg-Bachmann Award in 2010. Five in-depth reviews of new collections: Glyn Pursglove reviewing Isobel Williams's Catullus; Sean Howard critiquing the Oskana Poetry & Poetics series; Jeff Gundy reviewing John Greening, Sean O'Brien, Graham Fulton, and David Kinloch; Glyn Pursglove on W. D. Jackson; and Charles G. Lauder Jr. reviewing Karl Riordan and Kris Johnson.

Please support us, we do not receive any grants or public money. Renew or take out a subscription, this is the link: http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/psr.htm
We still have copies of our current issue No. 40. Among many other fascinating contributions, it offers a lengthy interview with Neil Astley conducted by John Challis and a translation section - curated by Astley - with poetry by Tomas Tranströmer, Piotr Sommer, Miroslav Holub, Marin Sorescu, and Györgi Petri.

Wolfgang Görtschacher

2023/12/23 During the Christmas holidays it is always a good idea to remember friends and colleagues who have influenced your life. Robert Dassanowsky, the longest serving member of our editorial board, died on 10 October 2023 at the age of 58. He was an Austrian-American academic, writer, film and cultural historian, and producer. He was named CU Distinguished Professor of Film and Austrian Studies by the University of Colorado System in November 2020. He was professor of German and Visual and Performing Arts, and founding director of film studies at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs since 1993. Poetry Salzburg published his collection Telegrams from the Metropole: Selected Poems 1980-1998 in 1999 and his pamphlet Soft Mayhem in November 2010 (both still in print).

The Poetry Salzburg Review team - John Challis, Hilary Davies, Lisa Fishman, Wolfgang Görtschacher, Martin Malone, Lisa Samuels, and our Editorial Assistant Tinker Bell - wants to thank all our poets, readers, and supporters and hopes that you have enjoyed the current issue No. 40. If you have forgotten to renew your subscription, now you have plenty of time to do so during the festival season. The same applies if you want to take out a sub. Under the current difficult circumstances we need your support. We are among the few magazines that have not increased the sub price despite rising production costs. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the time with your family and friends!

Emily Oldfield's new pamphlet Calder has been reviewed by D A Prince in London Grip (15 September 2023).
Click here for a quote from the review essay.
Click here to read the entire review essay.

The copies of our new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 40 (Summer 2023) have just arrived. Tomorrow we will start to post the first copies. Please renew or take out a subscription in order to ensure that you will receive your copy of a fascinating new issue. Click here to take out a subscription.

Copies usually sell fairly quickly; of the 15 most recent issues 11 sold out and are out of print. Prices for paper, energy and postage/transportation have gone up considerably - by 25-30% - since we published the previous issue which is why the support of our readers is particularly important. Despite these circumstances we have not increased the sub rates, which is in contrast to international developments. We believe that as many people as possible should be able to afford a sub.

Earlier today our German printers started with the production of our forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 40 (Summer 2023). Please familiarise yourself with the new issue, you can study the Table of Contents (ToC), read John Challis's Editorial, and access the bio/bibliographical notes of our contributors. If you want to receive pdf files of the folder for our new issue with four new poems (from the issue) by John Challis, Pat Ingoldsby, Kris Johnson, and Kirby, do not hesitate to contact us.

It is a great pleasure to announce that we have just submitted the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 40 (Summer 2023) to our German printers. Despite the current inflation and in the increase in the production and postage costs (ca 25%) the subscription prices are still the same. We want our magazine to be read by as many people as possible. It is a part of our policy to keep the sub prices as low as possible so that almost everyone can afford a subscription. This is also the reason why we have discounts for unemployed, OAP and students. However, if somebody likes what we do, wants to support us and is rich enough to make a donation to the magazine and/or the press, we would be very grateful. You can do this by using our email address editor@poetrysalzburg.com and pay the donation into our Paypal account.

I have just published John Challis's fascinating Editorial and the table of contents of the forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 40 (Summer 2023) on our website. I have also started to publish the bio/bibliographical notes of our contributors. Familiarise yourself with our forthcoming issue and take out a subscription or renew it so that you will receive your copy when they arrive from our German printers. I hope to submit the master copy to them by the end of the week.

Right now I am working on the "Notes on Contributors" section of the forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 40 (Summer 2023). I will try to contact every contributor to enquire about updates. It would make my job much easier if I could ask our contributors to contact me too.
Despite the incredible increase in producton and postage costs (ca 25%) and postage the sub price will stay the same. We know that many of our readers are not rich and had to cut back. We want our magazine to be affordable so that everyone can read and enjoy it. Please renew your subscription or take one out. It is also a very attractive present for your friends who are interested in poetry.

The Playground Theatre proudly presents The Lapwing Act, a theatrical adaptation of a chapter from Patrick Galbraith's critically acclaimed book, In Search of One Last Song, for three nights only (10-12 May, 7.30 pm). On 10 May - during the Post-Show - Emily Oldfield will be chatting with Patrick Galbraith and Tom Pickard as well as read some poems from her new Poetry Salzburg pamphlet Calder.
Click here to read more about the event.

It is a great pleasure to announce the arrival of the copies of Emily Oldfield's new pamphlet Calder. We have already posted the first copies. Read two poems from the new pamphlet and order your copy!

2023/02/19 A special February offer: Take out a subscription to Poetry Salzburg Review or renew it until the end of February and you will automatically receive a free copy from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series (PSPS). This is an ideal opportunity to support our poetry magazine!

Pre-publication orders for Emily Oldfield's pamphlet Calder are already possible. Copies will be available on 15 March 2023.

2023/01/24 Many subscribers have told us that they have to cut back and cannot renew their subscriptions. Under the current economic crisis worldwide this is quite understandable. However, please support Poetry Salzburg Review - a magazine that is not supported by any grants and financed from my own pocket - so that we do not have to cut back too. If you have not yet done so, renew your subscription or take one out, a subscription is also an exceptional present.
All of our books and pamphlets - with one or two exceptions - are still in print. You can also support the magazine and the small press Poetry Salzburg by buying some of our books and pamphlets.
Some of our friends and readers have asked me if it is also possible to make donations. Everyone can make a donation via Paypal by using our email address editor@poetrysalzburg.com. However, it is also possible to send us a Sterling cheque made out to "Wolfgang Görtschacher".

2022/12/22 During the Christmas holidays it is always a good idea to remember friends and colleagues who have influenced your life. D.M. de Silva, who died on 28 March 2022, was an empathetic friend and mentor. His generosity and the excellent quality of his translations and critiques of new publications are unsurpassed. During the holidays I will start to edit either a pamphlet or a collection of Derek's original poetry and his translations.

On behalf of the Poetry Salzburg Review team - John Challis, Robert Dassanowsky, Hilary Davies, Lisa Fishman, Wolfgang Görtschacher, Martin Malone, Lisa Samuels - our Editorial Assistant Tinker Bell wants to thank all our poets, readers, and supporters and hopes that you can enjoy the new issue No. 39 over the holidays. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The copies of the new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 39 (Autumn 2022) arrived earlier today. We have started to post the first copies. Please renew your subscription or take one out. It is also a very attractive present for your friends who are interested in poetry.

Richard Skinner's new pamphlet Dream into Play has been reviewed by Mary Mulholland in The Alchemy Spoon 7 (Winter 2022): 102.
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the magazine.

Richard Skinner's new pamphlet Dream into Play has been reviewed by Carla Scarano in London Grip (September 29, 2022).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

Earlier today we received the proofs of our forthcoming issue No. 39 and tomorrow morning our German printers will start with its production. Make sure that you receive your copy, as the current issue No. 38 sold very quickly.

Please take out a subscription or renew your sub, this is the link: http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/psr.htm

2022/09/21 Blair Ewing, one of our long-time contributors and supporters, has published his multi-volume audio book Word of Mouth. Volumes 1 and 2 have already dropped and are available on Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora etc. Volumes 3 thru 6 will drop by the end of October. Several of the poems we have published in Poetry Salzburg Review appear in the audio book. gorwhez@icloud.com

For our forthcoming issue No. 39 Lisa Fishman curated a section of new American poetry by poets whose work has hardly or never been published in a British and Irish context. It is with great pleasure that we will enable our subscribers to read new poetry by Lydia Gwyn, Jim Johnstone, Rusty Morrison, Laynie Browne, Joseph Donahue, Cody-Rose Clevidence, Jordan Dunn, Randy Lundy, and Edwin Torres.

Please take out a subscription or renew your sub, this is the link: http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/psr.htm

At a time when costs for paper, energy and postage/transportation have gone up considerably, your support is particularly important.

The copies of Richard Skinner's new pamphlet Dream into Play arrived earlier today. The pre-publication orders are in the post.

Pre-publication orders for Richard Skinner's pamphlet Dream into Play are already possible. Copies will be available on 15 August 2022.

Our dear friend, colleague, contributor, and supporter of Poetry Salzburg Review and Poetry Salzburg, Derek de Silva died on 28 March 2022 in Salzburg. He did not want us to publish anything earlier about his passing. His bio/bibliographical note is representative of some of his personal qualities:

"D.M. de Silva translates German poetry and produces original verse as well as critical prose. He has published specimens of his work in all three areas in a number of issues of The Poet's Voice and Poetry Salzburg Review, including a translation of Stefan George's Year of the Soul."

His generosity and the excellent quality of his translations and critiques of new publications are unsurpassed. During the summer vacation I will edit either a pamphlet or a collection of Derek's original poetry and his translations. The forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 39 (Autumn 2022) will be dedicated to Derek.

We are grateful - and at the same time proud - that the new Poetry Library at Manchester Metropolitan University has ordered our entire Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series (37 pamphlets). If you have a spare copy of Keith Hutson's pamphlet Routines, please donate it to the Poetry Library (or I will buy it back from you!). Despite a reprint it sold so well that never Keith nor we have a copy left other than our own personal copy.

The cover artwork for the forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 39 (Autumn 2022) is Michael Cheval's painting Game Changer (30"x24" oil on canvas 2021).

The editorial team of Poetry Salzburg Review, especially our editorial assistant Tinkerbell, wishes our readers, contributors and supporters a very Happy Easter.

All the copies of the new issue No. 38 (Spring 2022) - without the exception of some of the pre-paid extra copies - have been posted. We hope that you like the first issue edited by the new Editorial Board (John Challis, Robert Dassanowsky, Hilary Davies, Lisa Fishman, Martin Malone, Lisa Samuels). It is once again a big issue with 200 pages of new poetry, translations, and review essays by more than 75 contributors, among them Sean O'Brien, Philip Gross, John Greening, Hilary Davies, Mark Pajak, and Harriet Jae. On our website you can study the ToC and read the Editorial, this time contributed by Lisa Samuels, our new Editorial Board member from New Zealand.

Prices for paper, energy and postage/transportation have gone up considerably - by 25-30% - since we published the previous issue. However, I did not want to increase the subscription fee, at a time when prices are increased by almost everyone. I want us to be an exception to this widespread development. However, in due course we will also be forced to increase the sub price slightly.

Please support the magazine and persuade your friends and colleagues to take out a subscription - this is the link http://www.poetrysalzburg.com/psr.htm - you will find the Paypal buttons on the page.

The copies of the new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 38 (Spring 2022) have just arrived. Tomorrow morning we will start to post the first copies. Please renew your subscription or take one out. It is also a very attractive present for your friends who are interested in poetry.

Yesterday I received the galley proofs of our forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 38. Tomorrow morning our German printers will start to produce the copies. Please renew your subscription or take one out.

We still have a few copies of the current issue Poetry Salzburg Review 37. Perhaps you want us to send a copy as a present to a friend of yours or a relative? Or if you are not yet a subscriber, perhaps you want to take out a subscription? We also have a Special Offer (until the end of February 2022!): Take out a subscription to Poetry Salzburg Review and you will receive a free pamphlet from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series. You can take out a gift subscription for somebody and we will enclose a note to identify the donor. We can either send you the gift pamphlet or the recipient of the gift subscription will receive it.

These days it is difficult to find financial support for poetry, let alone English-language poetry published from a German-language country. This development also means that we are entirely dependent on the support of our readers and subscribers.

Second Special Offer (until the end of February 2022!): Buy a Poetry Salzburg book and you will receive a free pamphlet from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series.

Special Offer (until the end of the year!): Buy a Poetry Salzburg book and you will receive a free pamphlet from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series. This is also an excellent opportunity for a Christmas present: order a Poetry Salzburg book for a friend or relative, we will insert a note to identify the giftgiver and either you or your friend/relative will receive the free pamphlet.

Starting this weekend we are moving into a new home. This is the reason why we will be very busy and neither Tinkerbelle nor I will have much time to consider submissions and manuscripts. We will, however, respond to orders and subscriptions and post copies immediately.

Special Offer (until the end of the year!): Take out a subscription to Poetry Salzburg Review and you will receive a free pamphlet of your choice. Click here for our subscription page. If you do not want to use Paypal, we also have a NatWest account (for UK readers) and a bank account (for EU readers).

Pre-publication orders for Alec Taylor's collection Fool If They Weren't are already possible. Copies will be available on 1 September 2021.

Until the end of the week I will have managed to post the copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 37 (Summer 2021) - with the exception of some extra copies ordered by contributors. The costs of postage to the UK, the USA and overseas have been increased considerably. Please support us in these difficult times by renewing your subscription or taking one out either for yourself or a friend of yours, it is a wonderful present. No. 37 is bigger than usual with 208 pages of new poetry, translations, and review essays by more than 70 contributors, among them Paula Meehan, John Greening, David Constantine, Philip Fried, and Fred Beake.

The copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 37 (Summer 2021) have arrived. I have started to post the EU copies. UK and overseas copies will take much longer, as - thanks to Brexit and all the nice people in the UK voting "Leave" - it has become much more difficult, expensive, and time-consuming to post them. Please do not send us queries but support us in these difficult times by renewing your subscription or taking one out either for yourself or a friend of yours, it is a wonderful present. No. 37 is bigger than usual with 208 pages of new poetry, translations, and review essays by more than 70 contributors, among them Paula Meehan, John Greening, David Constantine, Philip Fried, and Fred Beake.

Two Poetry Salzburg poets, Penelope Shuttle (Lyonesse) and John Challis (The Resurrectionists), will be launching their new Bloodaxe collections on Tuesday 22 June at 7pm BST.
Click here to register for the event.
And it’ll be live on Youtube. Click here.
Their collections are already available from Bloodaxe: Click here for John's book and click here for Penelope's book.
Both collections will be reviewed in Poetry Salzburg Review 38 (Winter 2021). Penelope Shuttle's Poetry Salzburg pamphlet Father Lear is still available: Click here.
John Challis is also a member of Poetry Salzburg Review's editorial board.

In early 2001 Poetry Salzburg Review began with an editorial board that consisted of four poet-critics and retained its numerical strength until 2017 despite various changes in its composition. After 2017, however, it went down to just two. Robert Dassanowsky and Keith Hutson, who had just joined the PSR team at the suggestion of William Bedford, have been an incredible support in dealing with an ever-increasing workload.

But the occasion demands particular mention of Keith. Readers will remember his pamphlet Routines, which was released in October 2016 and attracted enormous attention. He was invited to numerous festivals and readings, the distinguished attention culminating in an invitation from the former Poet Laureate herself to read with her under the “Carol Ann Duffy and Guests” scheme for the RSL at the British Library. Under the Laureate’s Choice scheme at smith|doorstop she selected Keith’s pamphlet Troupers for publication in February 2018. She also introduced Keith to her publisher Neil Astley of Bloodaxe, who decided to launch Keith’s first collection, Baldwin’s Catholic Geese , in 2019. His own success story as a poet, his diverse experiences while running the reading series WordPlay in Halifax, as well as his network of contacts as an MA Poetry graduate at Manchester Metropolitan University have enabled Keith to exercise an enormous influence on the way the magazine has developed in the past three and a half years. But Keith did not restrict his support to the magazine only. He also initiated many publication projects for our imprint Poetry Salzburg, among them pamphlets and collections by John Challis, Anthony Costello, Mike Di Placido, and Emily Oldfield. So much in praise and thanks. The sad fact is that despite our very successful collaboration, Keith has decided to stand down as a member of the board for very personal reasons. Issues 31-37 are a legacy of Keith’s sheer enthusiasm, poetic taste, and commitment, for which I would like to thank him also on behalf of our many readers. Should you ever decide, dear Keith, that you are in a position to resume your work for PSR, you will be more than welcome.

Wolfgang Görtschacher & Tinker Bell

I have managed to obtain the support of five poet-critics, who have agreed to join Robert Dassanowsky as members of the editorial board. For Lisa Fishman, a professor of English and Creative Writing at Columbia College Chicago, it is a return to familiar fields, as she was a founding member of the board. Last year she published her seventh collection, Mad World, Mad Kings, Mad Composition, with Wave Books. For Hilary Davies too it is a case of returning to old pastures, considering that she edited Argo, together with David Constantine, for ten years. Her most recent collection is Exile and the Kingdom (Enitharmon, 2016). In future issues we will increasingly feature poetry from Australia and New Zealand, as Lisa Samuels, a professor of English and Drama at University of Auckland, has also decided to join our board; our UK readers will certainly remember her half a dozen collections published by Shearsman Books. Her new collection, Breach, is forthcoming from Boiler House Press. In addition, John Challis, whose forthcoming first collection The Resurrectionists (Bloodaxe) will be reviewed in No. 38, and Martin Malone, who used to edit The Interpreter’s House, have accepted my invitation to join us. A warm welcome to all of you at Poetry Salzburg Review!

Earlier today David Cooke, editor of the magnificent online magazine The High Window, published the translation supplement "Austrian Poetry 1980-2020" - co-curated by David Malcolm and Wolfgang Görtschacher, editor of Poetry Salzburg Review. This selection of Austrian poetry published in the past forty years is the first – to our knowledge – to appear in a UK little magazine, whether in print or online. The Austrian poets represented in the supplement are: Erich Fried • H. C. Artmann • Ilse Aichinger • Friederike Mayröcker • Ernst Jandl • Elfriede Gerstl • Peter Henisch • Peter Turrini • Robert Schindel • Hans Raimund • Antonio Fian • Ann Cotten • Sophie Reyer . The translators are: Timothy Adès • Wolfgang Görtschacher • Hilary Davies • Mark Kanak • David Malcolm.
Click here to access and study the "Austrian Poetry 1980-2020" Supplement. Enjoy!

Fred Beake's new collection Out of Silence has been reviewed by Bert Molsom in Journal of the Friends of the Dymock Poets 20 (2021).
Click here for a quote from the review essay.

Mike Di Placido's new collection Alpha has been reviewed by Pam Thompson in The High Window (Spring 2021).
Click here for a quote from the review essay.
Click here to read the entire review essay.

Fred Beake's new collection Out of Silence has been reviewed Glyn Pursglove in Acumen 98 (September 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review essay.

Mike Di Placido's new collection Alpha has been reviewed by Glyn Pursglove in Acumen 99 (January 2021).
Click here for a quote from the review essay.

Mike Di Placido's new collection Alpha has been reviewed by D. A. Prince in London Grip (December 31, 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

All the copies of our new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 36 (Winter 2020) for our UK and Irish contributors and subscribers that were posted to Keith Hutson in Halifax before Christmas have been posted by Keith. We hope that you will receive your copy soon and enjoy it. Thank you for your understanding and patience but the COVID restrictions have caused considerable delays. Nonetheless it is the winter 2020 issue and was published just in time.

During Christmas holidays it is always a good idea to remember friends and colleagues who have influenced your life. Professor Dr James Lester Hogg, founding editor of University of Salzburg Press - the predecessor of Poetry Salzburg - who died on 18 November 2018, was my mentor since the mid 1980s. Without him neither the small press Poetry Salzburg nor the magazine Poetry Salzburg Review would have been founded. Yesterday afternoon we visited his grave in Seeham, 20 km north of Salzburg.

On behalf of the Poetry Salzburg Review team - Robert Dassanowsky, Keith Hutson, Wolfgang Görtschacher - our Editorial Assistant Tinker Bell wants to thank all our poets, readers, and supporters and hopes that you can enjoy the new issue No. 36 over the holidays. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 36 (Winter 2020) have arrived. On Monday we will start to post the complimentary and subscription copies. Please renew your subscriptions and order extra copies as Christmas presents. Thank you for your patience.

In 2011 we celebrated the eightieth birthday of Prof. James Hogg, the founding editor and mastermind behind Salzburg's successful and impressive poetry series, with a 150-page anthology. 45 poets contributed new poems to show their appreciation of James's work. On the occasion of the second anniversary of James's death we have decided to choose Poetic Pilgrimages: James Hogg at Eighty as Book of the Month. A copy costs only £6.50 (+ 2.00 p&p), €6.50 (+ 2.00 p&p), US$8.00 (+ 3.00 p&p).
Click here to order your copy.

John Gurney's pamphlet Meister Eckhart and the Predicate of Light has been reviewed by Ian Pople in The Manchester Review (April 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

John Greening's pamphlet Moments Musicaux has been reviewed by Alwyn Marriage in London Grip (October 7, 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

Emily Oldfield's pamphlet Grit has been reviewed by Pat Edwards in London Grip (September 12, 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

Penelop Shuttle's pamphlet Father Lear has been reviewed by Peter Ualrig Kennedy in London Grip (15 September 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

The copies of Mike Di Placido's new collection Alpha have just arrived. The pre-publication orders are in the post.

In Poetry Salzburg Review 37 (Spring/Summer 2021) we will introduce the Dutch poet Hanny Michaelis (1922 – 2007) to our readers. Her difficult marriage to the well-known Dutch novelist Gerard Reve undoubtedly accounts for the mournful note of much of her love poetry. Her war diaries are currently being translated into English. The poems translated are from her selected poems: Hanny Michaelis, Verzamelde Gedichten, Van Oorschot, Amsterdam 2011. The six translations are by the well-known poet-translator Judith Wilkinson, whose prizes include the Popescu Prize for European Poetry in Translation and the Brockway Prize. Shearsman Press recently published her translations of Menno Wigman’s poetry, The World by Evening. The next collection of her own work, In Desert, will be published in 2021 by Shoestring Press.

If you want to read selections of Dutch poetry in Judith Wilkinson's translation, we still have copies of No. 24 (Marjolijn van Heemstra), Nos. 9, 14 and 18 (Toon Tellegen), No. 16 (Menno Wigman), and No. 5 (Miriam Van hee). Send us an email and tell us which issue(s) you want to order: editor@poetrysalzburg.com. We will only charge the subscription price and not the single-copy price, post free.

A special September offer: if you order a copy of Glen Cavaliero's collection Towards the Waiting the Sun, you will receive his earlier collection Ancestral Haunt for free.

John-Paul Burns's pamphlet The Minute and the Train has been reviewed by Keith Hutson in The North 63 (January 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review.

Pre-publication orders for Mike Di Placido's collection Alpha are already possible. Copies will be available on 15 September 2020.

A special August offer for new subscribers: Take out a subscription to Poetry Salzburg Review until the end of August and you will automatically receive a gift copy of The Poet's Voice, the magazine's predecessor. This is an ideal opportunity to support a poetry magazine and the two publications will be delivered to your door.

The copies of Penelope Shuttle's new pamphlet Father Lear have arrived. The pre-publication orders are in the post.

Pre-publication orders for Penelope Shuttle's pamphlet Father Lear are already possible. Copies will be available on 10 August 2020.

Martin Kratz's pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress has been reviewed by D. A. Prince in Sphinx Review (June 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

John-Paul Burns's pamphlet The Minute and the Train has been mentioned by Peter Bransfield in his "the poems that inspire me" article in Poetry Wales and called him a "poet I can’t wait to read more of".
Click here to read the article.

Emily Oldfield's pamphlet Grit has been reviewed by Peter Riley in The Fortnightly Review (Summer 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

Fred Beake's collection Out of Silence has been reviewed by Stephen Claughton in London Grip (July 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

The shipping of Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Summer 2020) has been completed today. All the contributors' copies, subscription copies and extra copies are on their way to their recipients. In the morning I went across the border to Freilassing (Germany) and posted the remaining copies. Even the copies for New Zealand could be posted, which is still not possible from Austria. Please renew your subscriptions and order extra copies as presents. Thank you for your patience.

The copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Summer 2020) arrived last week. The great majority of our contributors have already received their complimentary copy. The subscription are in the post. Please renew your subscriptions and order extra copies as presents. Thank you for your patience.

Antony Johae's collection After-Images has been reviewed by Sue Wallace-Shaddad in London Grip (June 2020).
Click here for a quote from the review and for the link to the review essay.

Pre-publication orders for John Greening's pamphlet Moments Musicaux are already possible. Copies will be available on 20 June 2020.

Stephen Claughton's pamphlet The War with Hannibal has been reviewed by Thomas Ovans in London Grip (28 April 2020) and by Kevin Maynard in Ver Poets Poetry World. Stephen was also interviewed by the Wombwell Review
Click here for a quote from the reviews and for the link to the interview.

Order any book or pamphlet from the Poetry Salzburg list until the end of May and you will automatically receive a gift pamphlet from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series. This is an ideal opportunity to support a small publisher. And two publications will be delivered to your door. The postal service from Austria is still very efficient!

We recently published Fred Beake's long awaited new collection Out of Silence. What an appropriate title for our difficult times! We have a special offer until the end of May: Everybody who orders a copy of Fred Beake's new collection receives a free copy of one of his former Salzburg publications.

Earlier today the galley proofs of Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Summer 2020) arrived. On Monday our German printers will start to print the copies. Please renew your subscriptions or take one out. For all contributors: if you want to order extra copies - we will only charge the sub price - please contact us. We can also post extra copies for you and insert a note for you so that the addressee knows the donor.

You can already read the editorial for Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Summer 2020) and study the table of contents.

Our editorial assistant Tinker Bell is proud (and relieved) to announce the following: We have just submitted the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Summer 2020) to our German printers.

We have started to edit Poetry Salzburg Review 36 (Autumn/Winter 2020)
Click here for detailed information.


Order any book or pamphlet from the Poetry Salzburg list until the end of April and you will automatically receive a gift pamphlet from our Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series. This is an ideal opportunity to support a small publisher. And two publications will be delivered to your door. The postal service from Austria is still very efficient!

John Gurney's pamphlet Meister Eckhart and the Predicate of Light has been reviewed by Glyn Pursglove in Acumen 95 (September 2019).
Click here for a quote from the review.

Antony Johae's collection After-Images has been reviewed by Sam Smith in The Journal 58 (2019), by David Healey in Twelve Rivers: Magazine of the Suffolk Poetry Society 10.2 (Autumn/Winter 2019), and by Jeremy Page in The Frogmore Papers 94 (Autumn 2019).
Click here for a quote each from the reviews.

In Austria we experience an almost total shutdown with considerable exit restrictions (not yet a total curfew), the borders are closed.

These are the reasons why the forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 35 (Spring 2020) will be delayed. Also other forthcoming pamphlet and book projects will be considerably delayed. If possible, please support us: take out a subscription to the magazine or renew it; order a pamphlet or a collection or one of our other publications.

Copies can still be posted, there is no problem with the postal service. We recently published Emily Oldfield's debut pamphlet Grit and Fred Beake's new collection Out of Silence, Fred's title an appropriate description of our situation. It has never been so quiet in Salzburg.

Stay healthy!


An event to celebrate the launch of Emily Oldfield's debut poetry pamphlet Grit. Come along for an early evening event featuring host Keith Hutson (Bloodaxe), readings from Emily and Chris Neilan. This event is in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University. Tomorrow, 12 March 2020 at 6.30 pm: 70 Oxford Street, M1 5NH Manchester.

Keith Hutson will be reading with Peter Bennet in Newcastle on Thursday (27th) at NCLA, 7.30 pm, introduced by Neil Astley and hosted by Sinead Morrissey.

Lawrence Upton (1949-2019), whose death was announced recently, was a leading figure in what has been called the British Poetry Revival as a poet, publisher, sound artist, graphic artist and performer. In the 1970s, he was actively involved in Poets Conference, the Association of Little Presses, Writers Forum and the Poetry Society (becoming the Society’s Deputy Chair from 1974 to 1978). During the 1970s, he performed with P.C. Fencott and cris cheek in the sound poetry performance group jgjgjg across Europe and as a solo performer in the US and Canada. During the next decades, he continued to work as a poet, composer and performer. He founded the influential magazine RWC in 1990 and ran the important London-based reading series Subvoicive from 1994-2005. He is probably best known for his collaboration with Bob Cobbing: from 1994 to 2000, he and Cobbing wrote and performed the collaborative visual poem, Domestic Ambient Noise, which ran to some 2,000 pages. They also co-edited the ground-breaking Word Score Utterance Choreography (Writers Forum, 1998), a primer for the performance of visual poetry. After Cobbing’s death in 2002, Upton moved to Cornwall. He continued to visit London as a Research Fellow in the Music Department at Goldsmiths’ College, University of London, between 2008 and 2015. There was also a more tender, lyrical side to his poetry, which is evident in his many published works, but particularly the later works where he responds to the landscapes of Cornwall and the Scilly Isles.

Professor Robert Hampson FEA, FRSA

Our friend, mentor, and contributor, William Oxley (1939-2020), died during the afternoon of Tuesday 4 February. We want to express our condolences to Patricia, editor of Acumen Magazine, and his daughters Elizabeth and Katie. Without William my own life would have been very different, less challenging and more boring. At the beginning of my academic career he helped me a lot and was my mentor, my father figure. He arranged my interviews with editors of little magazines, critics and small press publishers for my PhD thesis and first book Little Magazine Profiles (1993). He got me interested in translation and we started to translate poems by Georg Trakl. Without William Poetry Salzburg and Poetry Salzburg Review would probably not exist. His support of James Hogg, the founder of University Salzburg Press and the Salzburg Poets series, and his suggestions were crucial. He, Peter Russell and Anthony Johnson were the first Salzburg poets. Many students (and colleagues) at our university remember William with great affection and gratitude. William participated in many seminars in the 1980s and 1990s and was a private tutor for their BA, MA, and PhD theses.

On the occasion of William’s sixtieth birthday Glyn Pursglove and I edited a poetry festschrift, A Glass of New Made Wine. In many contributions William’s gift for friendship is stressed. We were fortunate enough to count William as a friend. As Fred Beake has said, “there will never be another William I think, he was quite unique.”

Wolfgang Görtschacher

Pre-publication orders for Emily Oldfield's debut pamphlet Grit are already possible. Copies will be available on 1 March 2020.

Pre-publication orders for Fred Beake's new collection Out of Silence are already possible. Copies will be available on 25 February 2020.

2019/12/22 Two Rivers Press - an impressive and admirable small press that celebrated the 25th anniversary this year - will publish William Bedford's new collection The Dancers of Colbeck on 21 January 2020. Pre-publication orders are already possible: Click here. here.
William's Poetry Salzburg collection Collecting Bottle Tops. Selected Poems 1960-2008 is still available.

2019/12/21 Keith Hutson's Bloodaxe book Baldwin's Catholic Geese has been chosen as a Poetry Wales Book Of The Year

Friday 20th December, 7.30 pm: Ben Morgan will be reading from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet Medea in Corinth, as well as new work, at Jude Cowan Montague’s poetry, music and performance event Scaledown at The King and Queen pub, Foley Street, Fitzrovia, London W1W 6DL.

You are invited to the launch of Stephen Claughton’s new pamphlet The War with Hannibal. Date: Wednesday 18th December. Venue: The Greene Room, The Kings Arms, 147 High Street, Berkhamsted HP4 3HL.
Time: 8 p.m. Admission free.

Keith Hutson will be on BBC Radio 3's "The Verb" this Friday, 29 Nov, 10pm talking about and reading from Baldwin's Catholic Geese, with some brilliant guests full of music hall and circus history.

Thursday 28 November: Reading with Keith Hutson - Hosted by Neil Astley, a Bloodaxe reading with Peter Bennet, NCLA, Newcastle, 7.00 pm.

Friday 22 November: Reading with Keith Hutson - Imtiaz Dharker and Friends (with Carol Ann Duffy), The Storyhouse, Chester. 7.30 pm.

The copies of our new pamphlet have arrived: The War with Hannibal by Stephen Claughton. The pre-publication orders will be posted tomorrow.
Click on the respective cover, if you want to read two sample poems and order a copy.

Sunday 6 October: The Book Corner, Piece Hall, Halifax. 7.pm. Reading with Keith Hutson.

At the Birmingham Royal Conservatoire Keith Hutson will read with former Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy (Thursday 3rd October, 7.30pm).

The copies of our two new pamphlets have arrived: Travelling Light by the late Frances Galleymore and Neil Young's Shrapnel. The pre-publication orders will be posted on Monday.
Click on the respective cover, if you want to read two sample poems and order a copy.

The copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 34 (Summer 2019) have just arrived and we have started to post the contributors' copies. Please renew your subscriptions and order extra copies as presents. Thank you for your patience.

2019/08/29/ On Monday The Sunday Tribune featured Ben Morgan's pamphlet Medea in Corinth and published his new poem "Sunrise".
Click here to read it.

John-Paul Burns's pamphlet The Minute & The Train has been reviewed by Carole Bromley in The High Window (July 2019).
Click here for a quote from the review.

Pre-publication orders for the late Frances Galleymore's Travelling Light are already possible.

Pre-publication orders for Neil Young's pamphlet Shrapnel are already possible.

We have submitted the master copies of two new pamphlets to our German printers: the late Frances Galleymore's Travelling Light and Neil Young's Shrapnel

Tomorrow we will submit the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 34 (Summer 2019) to our German printers.

You are invited to the book launch of Antony Johae’s new collection After-Images: Homage to Éric Rohmer. Date: Saturday 20th July. Venue: Friends Meeting House, 6 Church Street, Colchester CO1 1NF.
Time: 7 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. There will be refreshments in the break between readings. Nearest car park: St. Mary’s, Balkerne Hill, CO3 3AA.

Tim O'Leary's pamphlet Manganese Tears has been reviewed by Wendy Klein in The High Window (July 2019).
Click here for a quote from the review.

Antony Johae's Pre-Launch Reading for his new collection After-Images: Homage to Éric Rohmer: 14th July - SaveAs writing group at the The Pilgrims Hotel in Canterbury, 6.30 to 8.30 pm
(18 The Friars, Canterbury CT1 2AS).

Anthony Costello's pamphlet I Freeze, Turn to Stone has been reviewed by Patricia McCarthy in Agenda's new Ekphrastic issue.
Click here for a quote from the review.

Antony Johae's Pre-Launch Reading for his new collection After-Images: Homage to Éric Rohmer: 27th June - Poetry Wivenhoe at the British Legion Hall in Wivenhoe at 7.30 pm
(The Quay, Wivenhoe, Colchester CO7 9BX). This will be shared with Peter Kennedy, the organiser of Poetry Wivenhoe. Three other readers have been invited to participate with Antony.

The copies of Antony Johae's new collection After-Images: Homage to Éric Rohmer have just arrived.
Pre-ordered copies will be posted on Friday.

On the occasion of the posthumous publication of John Gurney's pamphlet Meister Eckhart and the Predicate of Light, we would like to draw our readers' attention to Gurney's other Salzburg books, especially War: An Epic Poem in 24 Books and his Three Verse Plays, which are still in print.

Poetry Salzburg poet Colin Pink will launch his new book The Ventriloquist Dummy's Lament (Against the Grain, 2019) on Wednesday 5th June, 7.00 pm at the Poetry Cafe,
22 Betterton Street, London. It is a combination of 21 villanelles by Colin Pink with 21 woodcuts by Daniel Goodwin inspired by the poems.
Guest reader is Mimi Khalvati, Daniel Goodwin's artworks will be on display.

John-Paul Burns will launch his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet The Minute & The Train on Tuesday 4th June, 6.30 pm with The Manchester Writing School, 70 Oxford Road.
The launch will be hosted by Keith Hutson.

John Challis at Crown Street Library, Darlington, DL1 1ND, Wednesday 5 June, 2.30pm (Exploring Poetry workshop at 1.30pm) (Joint event with Clare Shaw)
This event belongs to New Writing North's Read Regional campaign. John Challis will be reading from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet The Black Cab.

John Challis at Gateshead Central Library, Prince Consort Rd, Gateshead, NE8 4LN, Monday 20 May, 3pm (Exploring Poetry workshop at 2pm).
This event belongs to New Writing North's Read Regional campaign. John Challis will be reading from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet The Black Cab.

The copies of our two new pamphlets, John-Paul Burns's The Minute & The Train and the late John Gurney's Meister Eckhart and the Predicate of Light, have just arrived.
Pre-ordered copies will be posted on Thursday.

Pre-publication orders of John-Paul Burns's pamphlet The Minute & The Train are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a fortnight.

Pre-publication orders of John Gurney's pamphlet Meister Eckhart and the Predicate of Light are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a fortnight.

2019/03/23/: Keith Hutson is going to host an evening with two Poetry Salzburg poets – WordPlay: Jim Caruth, Anthony Costello (& Zaffar Kuniel) – at the Square Chapel Arts Centre in Halifax.
Monday, 08 Apr 2019, 19:30. Copper Auditorium, Square Chapel, 10 Square Road, Halifax, West Yorkshire HX1 1QG. Tickets: £5.
Click here for tickets.

John Challis at York St. John University (De Grey Lecture Theatre, York St. John University, Lord Mayor’s Walk, York YO31 7EX).
Friday 22 March, 6pm – 7.30pm (Joint event with Andrew Michael Hurley and Jude Brown)
This event belongs to New Writing North's Read Regional campaign. John Challis will be reading from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet The Black Cab.

2019/03/13: Ross Gowland will be reading from his poems that we have accepted for our forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 34:
17 March 2019, 3.00-5.00 pm - INDEX Poetry Books, Herenstraat 83d, 2313AG Leiden, The Netherlands.

2019/03/07: On 28 February 2019, Yannis A. Phillis, long-time contributor and subscriber to Poetry Salzburg Review, Engineering Professor Emeritus at the the Technical University of Crete in Chania where he was Rector for more than 12 years, visited editor Wolfgang Görtschacher on the occasion of Yannis's introduction to the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, which took place at the University of Salzburg. A most memorable meeting at the University's rooftop café.

Keith Hutson's poem "The Opener" from his Bloodaxe collection Baldwin's Catholic Geese is The Guardian Poem of the Week. Click here to read the poem.

2019/03/02 A special offer - the first ten issues of Poetry Salzburg Review are now offered at €50.00 / £50.00 / US$70.00 (you save ca. one third). You can even ask us to mail them to a friend as a gift. Available while stocks last. To order, send an email to editor@poetrysalzburg.com. It is possible to pay with Paypal (www.paypal.com) by using our email address: editor@poetrysalzburg.com.

Poetry Salzburg poet Keith Hutson - his pamphlet Routines is still in print - has published Baldwin’s Catholic Geese, his first collection, with Bloodaxe. This is the link - https://www.vimeo.com/316325714/ - to watch Keith comment on and read from his collection. If you want to buy a copy, click here. Today, 15 February, at 7.30 pm Keith will launch his debut collection at Manchester Poets: Chorlton Library, Manchester Road, Chorlton, Manchester, M21 9PN. Free entry.

2019/02/13: Poetry Salzburg poet Colin Pink will participate - together with David Perman and Mimi Khalvati - in the ACUMEN READING AT THE LUMEN CENTRE (88 Tavistock Place, London, WC1H 9RS). Tuesday, 19th February 2019, 7.00pm (Doors open from 6.30pm). Entrance £3.00 ((in aid of cold weather shelter for the homeless).

We are delighted to announce that John Challis's pamphlet The Black Cab has been selected by New Writing North for their list of 12 must-read titles by northern authors for Read Regional 2019. The Read Regional campaign sees the 12 new titles stocked in libraries across the North, while the authors take part in 85 events around the region between March and June 2019. Read Regional is a celebration of brilliant new books from the North of England, and was founded by New Writing North in 2008. The campaign is funded by Arts Council England and is produced in partnership with 22 library authorities, where authors will take part in book group events, school visits, readings, and workshops. Click here for John's page at New Writing North and the list of his forthcoming readings. Click here, if you want to order a copy.

The copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 33 (Winter 2018/2019) arrived yesterday and the first copies are going to leave Salzburg today. Thank you for your patience.

We have been informed by our German printers that they will ship the copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 33 (Winter 2018/2019) on 28 January and it will probably take a week for them to arrive in Salzburg. We will then immediately start to post the copies. We would like to thank all our poets, subscribers, and readers for their patience and understanding.

The Poetry Salzburg team - Robert Dassanowsky, Keith Hutson, Wolfgang Görtschacher, and our Editorial Assistant Tinker Bell - wants to thank all our poets, readers, and supporters.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We expect to receive the copies of Poetry Salzburg Review 33 (Winter 2018/2019) from our German printers in mid-January 2019.

The master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 33 (Winter 2018/2019) has just been submitted to our German printers.

Prof.Dr. James Hogg (1931-2018) passed away peacefully in his sleep early on Sunday, 18 Nov morning. The Celebration of Life and the funeral will take place on 28 November in Seeham in the parish church.
Between 1971 and 1996 James taught at the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Salzburg. His many academic publications - more than 400 - comprise studies in such diverse fields as contemporary British literature, Elizabethan literature, Romantic poetry and Restoration drama.
Founding Editor of the famous academic series of books, Salzburg Studies in English Literature (until 1998), and Analecta Carthusiana (still going). Co-Editor of The Poet's Voice (second series, 1994-2000). First authors with collections and guest-lectures / readings in Salzburg in the early 1980s: Peter Russell (friend and associate of Ezra Pound), Anthony Johnson, William Oxley – “The Vitalists”; John Gurney, Brian Merrikin Hill, Edward Lowbury. (Re)Publication of British poets, neglected by metropolitan publishers (e.g. James Kirkup); best-of anthologies of British little magazines (e.g. The Poet's Voice, Stride Magazine). He encouraged students to write MA and PhD theses on contemporary poets. Wrote, edited and published more than 550 books since 1971.

Martin Kratz will read from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress on Friday, 9 November 7.30 (The Brewery Arts Centre, Warehouse, 122a Highgate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4HE, £5.50) - "Brewery Poets" (with Carole Coates and Clare Proctor)

John Challis at Poetry in Aldeburgh: John will read from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet The Black Cab on Saturday, 3 November 2.30 - 3.30pm (Aldeburgh, Peter Piers Gallery, £8.00) - "Voices from Northern Coasts" (with Maria Isakova Bennett, Michael Brown, and Charlotte Wetton)

At the Southbank Centre London Keith Hutson will read from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet. Keith will join Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy for her "Carol Ann Duffy and Friends" event (Saturday, 20th October, 7.30pm–9.00pm, Queen Elizabeth Hall, Tickets: £15).

At the Durham Book Festival Keith Hutson and John Challis will read from their Poetry Salzburg pamphlets. Keith has been invited by Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy to join her for the "Carol Ann Duffy and Friends" slot (13th October, 5.30pm–6.30pm, Gala Theatre, Tickets: £10/£8) and John will participate in "Andrew McMillan: Rich Seams Podcast Live" (13th October, 12.30pm–1.30pm, Durham Town Hall (Burlison Gallery), Tickets: £3).

Tomorrow Ben Morgan will participate in Metamorphoses, a day-long festival exploring classical currents in contemporary culture in the magnificent settings of Greenwich's Old Royal Naval College and Queen's House, and read from his Poetry Salzburg pamphlet Medea in Corinth (10:30 AM - 6 PM | Saturday, October 6, Admission: £40 standard full-day | £20 standard half day | Student concessions available, Location: Queen's House).

Anthony Costello's launch reading for his new Poetry Salzburg pamphlet I Freeze, Turn to Stone: on Thursday, 11th October at 7.30pm at The Good Shepherd Church (across from the pub, Shoulder of Mutton), 20 New Rd, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge HX7 5EA. A bar will be open and well-stocked and the event is free. Keith Hutson will compere the evening.

John Challis's pamphlet The Black Cab has been reviewed by Jonathan Davidson for Under the Radar 21 (Summer 2018) and Jade Cuttle for Magma Poetry. Click here for quotes from the reviews.

The copies of Anthony Costello's pamphlet I Freeze, Turn to Stone have just arrived. Pre-ordered copies will be posted tomorrow.

The copies of Tim O'Leary's pamphlet Manganese Tears have just arrived. Pre-ordered copies will be posted tomorrow.

Poetry Salzburg Translation Series (PSTS). Editors: Wolfgang Görtschacher and David Malcolm.
Poetry Salzburg announces a new series of publications: the Poetry Salzburg Translation Series. Each volume will contain translations into English or German of contemporary poets or of poets from the past. The aim is to bring before English and German readers new writing and older poetry that has been unjustly neglected and is still relevant in the present. Only the work of poets and translators who have previously been published in Poetry Salzburg Review will be considered for publication in the series.

Carol Ann Duffy & Friends: At the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival Carol Ann Duffy will be reading from her world-renowned work and introducing the LAUREATE’S CHOICE pamphlet poets, Poetry Salzburg poet Keith Hutson - his pamphlet Routines is still in print - and Mark Pajak.
Hope Baptist Church (Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EW): Sunday 1 July 2018, 8.00 pm

Martin Kratz is launching his debut pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress at the Sandbar, 120 Grosvenor Street, Manchester M1 7HL, on 21 June at 8.00pm.

The pre-publication orders of Ben Morgan's pamphlet are in Monday's post.

Ben Morgan will launch and read poems from his new pamphlet Medea in Corinth: Friday, June 8 (5-7 pm, admission free) at The Outreach Room, The Iaonnou Centre, 66 St Giles, Oxford.

As part of the 2018 Belfast Book Festival Ray Givans's group, The Squat Pen, will hold a literary evening in the bookshop, Books Paper Scissors, Stranmillis Road, Belfast, on Thursday, June 7, from 7-8 pm.

We received the copies of the new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 32 (Spring 2018) Friday late afternoon and will start to post the first copies Monday morning. The first copies that will be posted are the contributors' copies, to be followed by the subscription copies. Please bear in mind that this is done single-handedly and will take some time.

Martin Kratz is launching his debut pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress at the Square Chapel, Halifax, on 14 May at 7.45pm.

On Tuesday (8 May) Ben Morgan will give a lecture on "From Cult to Classic: Reimagining Medea before and after Euripides" and will be reading from his pamphlet Medea in Corinth: Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - 2:15pm, University of Oxford, Classics Centre, Lecture Theatre, Ioannou Centre, 66 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3LU.

The copies of Martin Kratz's pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress arrived yesterday afternoon. Pre-ordered copies will be posted on Monday.

We have received the galley proofs from our German printers. Today they have started to print the new issue Poetry Salzburg Review 32 (Spring 2018).

Pre-publication orders of Ben Morgan's pamphlet Medea in Corinth are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a fortnight.

The master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 32 (Spring 2018) has just been submitted to our German printers.

Pre-publication orders of Martin Kratz's pamphlet A Skeleton's Progress are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a fortnight.

Martin Malone's pamphlet Mr. Willett's Summertime has been reviewed by Wendy Klein for londongrip.co.uk (January 2018). Click here for a quote from the review.

Martin Malone's pamphlet Mr. Willett's Summertime has been reviewed by Roy Marshall for The High Window (Spring 2018). Click here for a quote from the review.

William Alderson's pamphlet A Moment of Disbelief has been reviewed by Tanya Parker Nightingale for Dream Catcher 36 (2017). Click here for a quote from the review.

John Challis's pamphlet The Black Cab has been reviewed by Charlotte Gann for the web magazine Sphinx. Click here for a quote from the review.

Free reading at the Whitworth Art Gallery in Manchester on Saturday 17 February at 2.30-4.00. John Challis is going to read from his debut pamphlet of poems, The Black Cab. John will be joined by Vahni Capildeo and Rebecca Perry, with music by Corey Mwamba. The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M15 6ER.

Martin Malone's pamphlet Mr. Willett's Summertime was released today.

Poetry Salzburg published Keith Hutson's debut pamphlet Routines in October 2016 - it is still in print. Selected in 2018 by Carol Ann Duffy as part of the Laureate's Choice Collection, smith|doorstop have just published his new pamphlet Troupers. It pays tribute to not only the stars of Music Hall and Variety, but also the forgotten artistes who were beloved in their time by the nation. For orders - The Poetry Business

This evening John Challis is going to read from his debut pamphlet of poems, The Black Cab. John will be joined by Alec Finlay. The evening is hosted by Poetry Salzburg poet Jane Bonnyman, Chris Kerr and Rob A. Mackenzie.Tuesday, 9 January, 19:30 - Scottish Poetry Library, 5 Crichton's Close, EH8 8DT Edinburgh.

William Alderson's pamphlet A Moment of Disbelief has been reviewed by Dominic Alexander for the web magazine Counterfire. Click here for a quote from the review.

William Alderson's pamphlet A Moment of Disbelief has been reviewed by Greg Freeman for the poetry web magazine Write Out Loud. Click here for a quote from the review.

Alexandra Strnad's pamphlet H Is for Hadeda has been reviewed by Theophilus Kwek for the poetry web magazine The Kindling. Click here for a quote from the review.

Keith Hutson's pamphlet Routines has been reviewed by Anthony Howell for the poetry web magazine The Fortnightly Review. Click here for a quote from the review.

Tomorrow John Challis is going to launch his debut pamphlet of poems, The Black Cab. John will be joined by Keith Hutson, author of Routines (Poetry Salzburg, 2016), Kris Johnson, and David Spittle. Wednesday, 15 November, 19:00 - Literary and Philosophical Society, 23 Westgate Road, NE1 8SF Newcastle upon Tyne.

Colin Pink's collection Acrobats of Sound has been reviewed by D. Ferrara for the poetry webzine At the Inkwell. Click here for a quote from the review.

Pre-publication orders of Martin Malone's pamphlet Mr. Willett's Summertime are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a week.

Pre-publication orders of James Caruth's pamphlet Narrow Water are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers within a week.

Yesterday evening the copies of our new issue, Poetry Salzburg Review 31 (Autumn 2017), arrived. Tomorrow we will post the first copies. We hope that you will like the new issue. Thank you once again for your patience and support.

The copies of Alexandra Strnad's pamphlet H Is for Hadeda arrived earlier today. Pre-ordered copies will be posted on Thursday.

Jane Bonnyman has been asked by Napier University to give two readings from her Poetry Salzburg pamphlet An Ember from the Fire: Poems on the Life of Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson as part of the Robert Louis Stevenson 2017 Birthday Celebration. Sunday, 12 November, 11.00 am - The Writers’ Museum, Lady Stair’s Close, Edinburgh. Free but booking essential, call 0131 529 4901. Monday, 13 November, 3.30-4.30 pm - Augustine United Church, 41 George IV Bridge, Edinburgh. Free, unticketed.

Pre-publication orders of Alexandra Strnad's pamphlet H Is for Hadeda are already possible. Copies will arrive from our German printers next week.

Keith Hutson's pamphlet Routines has been reviewed by Georgi Gill in The Interpreter's House 65 (Summer 2017). Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy has commented on it. Click here for the quotations.

Thursday last week the master copies of two new pamphlets were submitted to our German printers: Martin Malone's Mr Willett's Summertime and James Caruth's Narrow Water.

Acumen 89 (September 2017) has just published a four-page review essay by Lucy Jeffery of Colin Pink's collection Acrobats of Sound. Click here for a longer quote from the review.

Ray Givans will launch and read poems from his new pamphlet The Innermost Room: 04 October 2017 (6.30 pm, admission free) at
No Alibis Bookshop, 83 Botanic Avenue, Belfast BT7 1JL.

Colin Pink's collection Acrobats of Sound has been reviewed by Konstandinos Mahoney for the poetry and prose webzine ink sweat and tears. Click here for a quote from the review.

Friday last week the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 31 (Autumn 2017), our forthcoming issue, was submitted to our German printers.

John Challis will launch and read poems from his new pamphlet The Black Cab: 13 September 2017 (7.45pm till 10.00pm, admission free) at WordPlay
(Square Chapel Arts Centre, 10 Square Road, Halifax HX1 1QG, West Yorkshire) with Victoria Gatehouse, who has poems forthcoming in Poetry Salzburg Review 31 (Autumn 2017).

The copies of John Challis's pamphlet The Black Cab arrived from our German printers earlier today. Ordered copies are in tomorrow's post.

My father-in-law died Sunday morning. My family needs me more than ever under these circumstances. Delivery of copies that you have ordered and paid for will be slightly delayed. The publication of Poetry Salzburg Review 31 (Autumn 2017), our forthcoming issue, will also be delayed. Thank you for your understanding.

The copies of William Alderson's pamphlet A Moment of Disbelief: Poems on War, Terrorism and Refugees and Ray Givans's pamphlet The Innermost Room arrived from our German printers earlier today. Ordered copies will be posted on Monday.

Pre-publication orders of William Alderson's pamphlet A Moment of Disbelief: Poems on War, Terrorism and Refugees are already possible.

Pre-publication orders of John Challis's pamphlet The Black Cab are already possible.

Pre-publication orders of Ray Givans's pamphlet The Innermost Room are already possible.

Keith Hutson's pamphlet Routines has been reviewed by Simon Zonenblick of Caterpillar Poetry. Click here for a quote from the review.

The new issue of Envoi 176 (June 2017) contains a long review (by Patrick Lodge) of Vuyelwa Carlin's collection Long Shadows.

David Menzies's posthumous pamphlet Narcosis, edited by David Miller, was released today.

A Double Launch Reading: Sarah Stutt. Winter Born (Poetry Salzburg Press), Cliff Forshaw. Satyr (Shoestring Press). Tuesday 25 April 6.00 pm, Arts Café, Middleton Hall, University of Hull. Free. All Welcome. Charlotte Gann has reviewed Winter Born in Sphinx.

Today the copies of our new issue, Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Spring 2017), arrived. Tomorrow we will post the first copies. We hope that you will like the new issue. Thank you once again for your patience and support.

The galley proofs of Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Spring 2017) arrived yesterday evening. On Monday our German printers will start to produce our issue.

Finally, I have managed to submit the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Spring 2017) to our German printers.

Keith Hutson will read poems from his pamphlet Routines: 14 March 2017 (6pm till 8pm, admission free) at Waterstones Bookshop, Deansgate Manchester,
with Roy Marshall and American poet John Waters.

We are very happy to welcome Vahni Capildeo as a new member of our Editorial Board starting with Poetry Salzburg Review 31. Last year Vahni received the Forward Prize for Best Collection.
She was also shortlisted for the T. S. Eliot Prize. Her collection Measures of Expatriation will be reviewed in our forthcoming issue Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Spring 2017).
Alongside the review essay we will publish two of her new poems.

Carol Ann Duffy and Guests: Poetry Salzburg poet Keith Hutson will perform poems from his pamphlet Routines
at The Royal Society of Literature at the British Library: Thursday 9 Feb 2017, 19:00 - 20:30

Poetry Salzburg poet Wendy Holborow will be reading poems from her pamphlet After the Silent Phonecall:
Wednesday 8 February 7.30 Loose Muse, Poetry Cafe, London (As the cafe is closed for renovations, the reading will be held in the Sun Pub, Drury Lane.).

Royal Exchange Theatre in association with The Writing School at Manchester Metropolitan University present CAROL ANN DUFFY & FRIENDS 2017,
Monday, 16 January, 7.00 pm: Keith Hutson, member of our Editorial Board, will be reading with Liz Lochhead, Ian Walker, and Hilary Robinson.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers, subscribers and supporters. We will be available again after 6 January 2017.

Read extracts from and entire reviews of Keith Hutson's pamphlet Routines on his pamphlet's Poetry Salzburg page. Poetry Salzburg

Gdansk University Press have published a volume of critical essays - David Malcolm & Wolfgang Görtschacher, eds: Sound Is / As Sense: Essays on Modern British and Irish Poetry.
It contains thirteen essays on Don Paterson, Harryette Mullen, Lorine Niedecker, Basil Bunting, Paula Meehan, R. S. Thomas, Roy Fuller, Ezra Pound, Saul Williams, David Constantine,
Elizabeth Jennings, Michael Hofmann, and Kei Miller. It only costs 25,20 Zloty or 6.00 Euro and can be purchased from the publisher's website:
Gdansk University Press

Keith Hutson & Ian Duhig: today at the Seven Arts Centre in Leeds (31(a) Harrogate Road, Chapel Allerton). Doors open 7pm for 7.30 start.

Sarah Stutt's first pamphlet Winter Born was released today.

Keith Hutson is a new member of Poetry Salzburg Review's Editorial Board starting with issue No. 31 (Spring 2017).
Keith will be reading his poem "The Call of the Wild", shortlisted for the Open Poetry Competition 2016, at the Cornwall Contemporary Poetry Festival
(Falmouth, 12 - 13 November 2016).
Big Manchester Launch of Keith's Poetry Salzburg pamphlet Routines with special guest readers Helen Mort, Carole Bromley, and Mark Pajak
(Wednesday 16 November 2016, 7.30 pm, Waterstones Manchester Deansgate, 2-4 St Anns Square, M3 2BW Manchester)

Poetry Salzburg Review at the Torbay Poetry Festival (27 - 31 October 2016), The Livermead Cliff Hotel, Sea Front, Torquay: Friday 28 October, 5.00 - 6.00 pm - A Reading with Alyson Hallett, Rosie Jackson, and Robert Peake, chaired by Wolfgang Görtschacher. Saturday 29 October 2.15 - 3.15 pm Translation Seminar with Timothy Adès, Kathleen Kummer, and Wolfgang Görtschacher, chaired by Danielle Hope.

Colin Pink's collection Acrobats of Sound was released.

Poetry Salzburg poet Keith Hutson will perform poems from his pamphlet Routines that has just been released
at the Poetry Swindon Festival: Saturday, 8 October, 6.30 pm, Swindon Arts Centre.

Poetry Salzburg poet Jim Maguire is among the three poets visiting this year’s Iowa City Book Festival (October 4 - 9, 2016)
in a partnership with Poetry Ireland. Nell Regan, Afric McGlinchey, and Jim Maguire will do a joint reading on Saturday (October 9)
at 11:30 a.m. in the Robert A. Lee Recreation Center, and will appear at 2:30 p.m. at the downtown Java House as part of the panel
“Iris-American Cultural Connections.” Poetry Salzburg published Jim Maguire's first collection Music Field, which was shortlisted for
for the Shine/Strong Award for best first collection by an Irish poet in 2014. Further information on the Iowa City Book Festival.

Robert Rehder's posthumous collection I'm back and still returning was released.

Keith Hutson's first pamphlet Routines was released.

Collaboration as Creative Synthesis: Constructing the "Being and Slow Time" Exhibition (William H. Hannon Library,
Loyala Marymount University, Los Angeles; 6 October 2016, 5.30 pm): Alyson Hallett will present her "Migrating Stones"
project and give a poetry reading.

A long interview with editor Wolfgang Görtschacher has just been published in Acumen 86 (September 2016). Anyone who is
not yet a subscriber to Acumen Magazine, please visit the website at Acumen Magazine and consider taking out a subscription to an
excellent magazine that was launched thirty-two years ago.

Congratulations to Vahni Capildeo on receiving the Forward Prize for Best Collection: Her collection Measures of Expatriation
will be reviewed in Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Winter 2016/2017). Alongside the review essay we will publish two of her new poems.

Yesterday the copies of our new issue, Poetry Salzburg Review 29 (Summer 2016), arrived. On Monday we will post
the first copies. We hope that you will like the new issue. Thank you once again for your patience and support.

Finally: I have just been informed by our German printers that the copies of our new issue,
Poetry Salzburg Review 29 (Summer 2016), will arrive next week, either on Wednesday or Thursday. We will
immediately start to send out copies to our contributors and subscribers. Thank you for your patience and support.
If you have not yet renewed your subscription or you want to take out a subscription for the first time, now is the ideal time to do so.

As president of AAUTE (Austrian Association of University Teachers of English) and co-convenor of
of two seminars on "Literary Prizes" and "Twenty-First-Century Female Crime Fiction" I will attend the
ESSE Conference in Galway. I will be in Galway from 19-30 August. Until 1 September I will not be able to answer
your emails.Thank you for your understanding.

Yesterday I received the galley proofs of Poetry Salzburg Review 29. Tomorrow our German printers
will start to print the new issue. We hope that we will have the copies of No. 29 within a fortnight.
Thank you very much for your patience and support. Please renew your subscriptions. You may not know whether
your subscription is still valid. All our readers whose sub has expired will receive a letter and our new flier
for No. 29 with sample poems by John Burnside, Elaine Feinstein, and Alan Jenkins.

Finally, I have managed to submit the master copy of Poetry Salzburg Review 29 to our German printers.
For practical reasons the Spring issue has become a Summer issue, the first in the magazine's history. I hope to receive
the galley-proofs within a week. Please renew your subscriptions or take one out for the first time, for yourself or a friend.
The Autumn issue will appear as scheduled. I have already uploaded a page for Poetry Salzburg Review 30 and listed
the contributors whose work we have already accepted. Thank you for your patience and support.

For the cover of Poetry Salzburg Review 30 we have received the fantastic painting The Gordian Knot from
Martin-Georg Oscity. It is already published on our website on the page for Poetry Salzburg Review 30. His website: http://www.visionart-malerei.de/

For personal reasons William Bedford has decided to step down
from the Editorial Board of Poetry Salzburg Review.
Since 2008 William has sustainably influenced
the development of both the magazine and the press.
He commissioned new poems and review essays,
he conducted interviews with poets, and also
contributed his own work as poet and critic.
I am very grateful to William for his commitment and support
over more than eight years.

Poetry Salzburg Review would like to invite submissions of English translations of Turkish poets
critical of the fascistoid regime of Mr Erdogan.
If possible, we would like to publish a special section of Turkish poetry in English translation in
Poetry Salzburg Review 30 (Autumn 2016).

Poetry Salzburg Review 29 is, unfortunately, delayed.
We thank all our poets, readers, and subscribers for their patience.

Poetry Salzburg Review 28 is sold out.

Vuyelwa Carlin's collection Long Shadows has been reviewed in Acumen by Glyn Pursglove.

For a quote visit Vuyelwa's book page.

Diana Brodie's collection Giotto's Circle has been reviewed in Poetry New Zealand Yearbook 2.

For a quote visit Diana's book page.

Sabotage Reviews and Magma Poetry feature reviews of Jane Bonnyman's pamphletAn Ember from the Fire: Poems on the Life of Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson.

For quotes visit Jane's book page.

Vuyelwa Carlin's new collection Long Shadows was released.

The current issue of Envoi features reviews of Simon Rees's The Wood below Coelbren and Nicholas Bielby's The Naming of Things.
For a quote visit Simon's and Nicholas's book page.

Wendy Holborow will read at Ye Olde Murenger House, Newport, Wales on next Wednesday (16 March 2016). The reading starts at 7.30 pm.
Venue: Ye Olde Murenger House, 52-53 High Street, Newport NP20 1GA

This coming Saturday (20 February 2016) at 3 pm Jane Bonnyman will launch her pamphlet An Ember from the Fire: Poems on the Life of Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson at Robert Louis Stevenson's House in Edinburgh.

Venue: The Stevenson House, 17 Heriot Row, Edinburgh EH3 6HP
For RVSP please contact Jane directly at janebonnyman@yahoo.co.uk.

Diana Brodie's poem "Happy" has been shortlisted for the Ink Sweat & Tears January 2016 'Pick of the Month'.

To read the poem and for details of voting please go to http://www.inksweatandtears.co.uk/pages/?cat=51.

Robert Peake will read at The Room on next Saturday (6 February 2016). The reading starts at 7.30 pm.
Venue: The Room, 33 Holcombe Road, Tottenham Hale, London N17 9AS

For more information visit Robert's homepage.

PSPS number 16, Jane Bonnyman's pamphlet An Ember from the Fire: Poems on the Life of Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson was released.

Robert Peake will be guest reader at Torriano Meeting Housethis coming Sunday (17 January 2016). The reading starts at 7.30 pm.
Venue: Torriano Meeting House, 99 Torriano Avenue, London, NW5 2RX

For more information on events at Torriano visit https://torrianomeetinghouse.wordpress.com/events/.

Poetry Salzburg Review 28 was released.

Subscription and contributor copies have already been sent and should arrive within a fortnight.

Julie Maclean's pamphlet Kiss of the Viking has been reviewed by Paul McDonald for Envoi.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Peter Rawlings's pamphlet The Humdrum Club has been reviewed by Glyn Pursglove for Acumen.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Wendy Holborow will read twice this week. Today she will be guest reader atTin Plate Poetsand on Saturday (26 September) she will be reading at the Tin Shed Experience, Laugharne.

Nicholas Bielby's collection The Naming of Things will be reviewed in the Autumn issue of Sofia.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Peter Rawlings's pamphlet The Humdrum Club has been reviewed by Rachel Stirling for Sabotage Reviews.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Wendy Holborow's pamphlet After the Silent Phone Call will be reviewed in the Winter issue of Roundyhouse.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Scott Elder's pamphlet Breaking Away has been reviewed on the site of Sentinel Literary Quarterly.

Click here for a quote from the review.

Wendy Holborow's pamphlet After the Silent Phone Call is currently Book of the Month atthe Poetry Kit (http://www.poetrykit.org/newsletter.htm).
The Poetry Kit also features a short review of the pamphlet. Click here for a quote from the review.

Poetry Salzburg Review 27 (Spring 2015) is out of print. We have never been able to sell so many copies so early.Thank you to all our subscribers and readers. For those of you who want to take out a subscription right now, we can offer aone-year subscription comprising Nos. 26 (Autumn 2014) and 28 (Autumn 2015), which enables you to familiarise yourselfwith our magazine immediately. Thank you again for all your support!

On Wednesday (5 August) at 8 pm the Poetry Library at the South Bank Centre, London, will host a Poetry Salzburg Reading.

The following poets will be reading from their collections/pamphlets:

Alyson Hallett
Christopher Jackson
Frances-Anne King
Robert Peake
Simon Rees
Pnina Shinebourne

For more information please visit http://www.poetrylibrary.org.uk/events/readings/?id=11444.
Admission is free but space is limited. To book your place please send an e-mail to specialedition@poetrylibrary.org.uk.

Alyson Hallett's collection Suddenly Everything has been reviewed in Poetry Ireland Review.Click here for a quote from the review.

Simon Rees's collection The Wood below Coelbren has been reviewed in New Welsh Review.Click here for a quote from the review.

ARTEMISpoetry 14 (May 2015)features reviews of Rosie Jackson's What the Ground Holds and Julie Maclean's Kiss of the Viking.
For a quote visit Rosie's and Julie's book page.

Tomorrow (18 July) at 7.30 PM Wendy Holoborow will read at Tin Plate Poets @ The Tin Shed, Laugharne.

For more information visit Facebook.

On Saturday (18 July) at 9 AM Simon Rees will read at the Buxton Festival from his collection The Wood below Coelbren.

For more information visit http://www.buxtonfestival.co.uk/literary-series/simon-rees/.

PSPS number 15, Scott Elder's pamphlet Breaking Away was released.

A video of the launch of Wendy Holborow's pamphlet can now be watched on Youtube.

PSPS number 14, Peter Rawlings's pamphlet The Humdrum Club was released.

On Saturday (30 May) at 2 pm Wendy Holborow will launch her new pamphlet After the Silent Phone Call.

The event will be hosted by Swansea University Professor John Goodby.
Venue: Pontarddulais Library, St. Michael's Avenue, SA4 8TE.
Doors open at 1.30 for refreshments.

The South Wales Evening Post featured an article on Wendy Holborow and her new pamphletAfter the Silent Phone Call in the issue of Saturday, 24 May.

Click on the image to see full article.

Poetry Salzburg Review 27 was released.

Subscription and contributor copies have already been sent and should arrive soon.

PSPS number 13, Wendy Holborow's pamphlet After the Silent Phone Call was released.

Nicholas Bielby's new collection The Naming of Things was released.

Rosie Jackson's pamphlet What the Ground Holds has been reviewed by Rosie Bailey forEnvoi.Click here for a quote from the review.

Christopher Jackson's pamphlet The Gallery has been reviewed by Paul McDonald forEnvoi.Click here for a quote from the review.

Julie Maclean's pamphlet Kiss of the Viking has been reviewed by Anne Elvey forCordite Poetry Review.Click here for a quote from the review.

Rosie Jackson's pamphlet What the Ground Holds has been reviewed by Wendy Klein for London Grip.Click here for a quote from the review.

Jim Maguire's collection Music Field has been reviewed by Richard Hayes for Trumpet (the quarterly pamphlet by Poetry Ireland).Click here for a quote from the review.

Danielle Hope's poem "December" -published in PSR 12 (Autumn 2007) - was selected as poem of the week by the Saison Poetry Library at theSouthbank Centre, London.

Julie Maclean's pamphlet Kiss of the Viking has been reviewed by Pippa Little forThe Lake.Click here for quotes from the review.

Poetry Salzburg Review 26 was released.

Subscription and contributor copies have already been sent and should arrive in the next weeks.

Tomorrow (Thursday, 13 November) at 7.30 PM Rosie Jackson will be guest poet together with Robert Vas Dias atBlue Gate Poets.
Rosie will read from her new pamphlet What the Ground Holds.

Venue: Richard Jefferies Museum, Marlborough Road, Coate, Swindon SN3 6AA

Simon Rees's debut collection The Wood below Coelbren was released.

Tomorrow (Sunday, 9 November) at 2.30 PM Julie Maclean will launch her pamphlet Kiss of the Viking.

The book will be introduced by the writer, critic, and academic Dr. Cassandra Atherton (Deakin University).
Venue: Paton Books, 3/329 Pakington Street, Newtown, Geelong VIC 3220

Rosie Jackson's pamphlet What the Ground Holds has been reviewed by Ian Brinton forTears in the Fence. Click here for a quote from the review.

Julie Maclean's pamphlet Kiss of the Viking has been reviewed onSabotage. Click here for quotes from the review.

PSPS number 12, Julie Maclean's Kiss of the Viking was released.

Tomorrow (Wednesday, 1 October) at 7.30 PM Rosie Jackson will launch her pamphlet What the Ground Holds.
Venue: Elwin Room, Bath Royal and Literary Scientific Institute (BRLSI), 16-18 Queen's Square, Bath BA1 2HN

Tomorrow (Sunday, 14 September) at 12.30 PM the Shine/Strong Poetry Award Reading will take place as part of theMountains to Sea dlr Book Festival 2014. Jim Maguire will read from his collection Music Field.
The award will be presented after the readings of the 5 shortlisted poets.
Venue: Dlr Lexicon, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland

Tomorrow (Thursday, 11 September) at 7.30 PM Alyson Hallett will be reading from her collection Suddenly Everythingat the Bristol Poetry Festival 2014.
Venue: Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA (www.arnolfini.org.uk)

PSPS number 11, Rosie Jackson's What the Ground Holds was released.

Our friend, the Irish poet, translator and critic Desmond O'Grady (1935-2014), died yesterday of a heart attack in Kinsale,two days short of his 79th birthday. Poetry Salzburg had the honour of publishing two of Desmond's most important volumes,Trawling Tradition. Translations 1954-1994 (1994) and The Road Taken. Poems 1956-1996 (1996).In 2003 we also launched the Desmond O'Grady casebook entitled The Wide World.

The Irish President Michael D. Higgins has paid tribute to Desmond in the Irish Independent and commented:"He leaves a fine collection of work, reflecting both his migrant experience and his affection for his homeland, thatwill be studied and cherished by future generations. Those of us who knew him as a friend will never forget his rich sense ofhumour and his deep commitment to friendships which he valued and enriched."(click here to read the full obituary in the Irish Independent).

More information on Desmond can be found on his Facebook page.

William Bedford wins The London Magazine's Poetry Competition 2014 with his poem "The Journey"(click here to read the official announcement).

Jim Maguire's debut collection Music Field was short-listedfor the Shine Strong Award 2014.
The Award will be presented at the Mountains to Sea dlr Book Festival on Sunday 14th September 2014.

Copies of the book are still available.

William Bedford won the Roundel Poetry Competition with his poem "Then"(click here to read the poem).

ARTEMISpoetry 12 (May 2014) contains reviews of Alyson Hallett's Suddenly Everything (quotes)and Frances-Anne King's Weight of Water (quotes).

Poetry Salzburg Review 25 was released.

Anne Harding Woodworth's new collection Unattached Male was released.

Christopher Jackson's pamphlet The Gallery has been reviewed onEyewear. Click here for quotes from the review.

Robert Peake's pamphlet The Silence Teacher has been reviewed twice inSphinx 24. Click here for quotes from the review.

Poetry Salzburg Review 24 was released.

Please find as pdf file page 76, sections VI and VII of Andrew Latimer's sonnet sequence. This is exactly as we sent itto our printers. We do not know why p. 76 was distorted. Please print it out and insert it in your copy ofPoetry Salzburg Review 24. We would like to offer our apologies to Andrew Latimer, to our readers and contributors.

Alyson Hallett's new collection Suddenly Everything was released.

PSPS number 10, Frances-Anne King's Weight of Water was released.

PSPS number 9, Christopher Jackson's The Gallery, was released.

Diana Brodie's debut collection Giotto's Circle was released.

Jim Maguire's debut collection Music Field was released.

PSPS number 8, Mario Susko's The Final Take, was released.

PSPS number 7, Pnina Shinebourne's Radioactive, was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 23 was released.

PSPS number 6, Robert Peake's The Silence Teacher, was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review is the most recent addition to the Saison Poetry Library's magazine site -"the best collection of poetry magazines online", as Simon Armitage has quite rightly put it. You can read three back issuesof Poetry Salzburg Review (http://www.poetrymagazines.org.uk/magazine/index.asp?id=139) and familiarise yourselfwith our magazine. By reading our back issues we hope that you will be persuaded to support our poets and to take out asubscription. The site is part of the library's ongoing digitisation project funded by the Arts Council England.

Poetry Salzburg Review 22 was released.

James Harvey (1966-2012) died from complications of liver cancer in London on 28 June 2012. After leaving school,he studied with the Open University, and then went to University College London to study Biology. After leaving university,he took up poetry full time, with Ecology inspiring much of his poetry. His publications are the one-poem bookMackerelling (Intercapillary Editions, 2009), the e-pamphlet Parts Composers (Openned, 2009), the broadsheetFrom Marx's Capital (Kater Murr's Press, 2009), and the chapbook Temporary Structures (Veer, 2009).He lived in London. He was a contributor to Poetry Salzburg Review 3 (Autumn 2002) and 10 (Autumn 2006) andlong-term-subscriber.

Poetry Salzburg Review 21 was released.

Pavlo Tychyna's The Raspberry's Eyelash, translated and edited by Steve Komarnyckyj, was released.

Current subscribers: For every new subscription initiated by you, you will receive a free copy of Raw Amber, our anthology of contemporary Lithuanian poetry. In case you already have the book, you receive a free copy of our Book of the Month.
Every new subscriber will receive a free copy of Raw Amber or, in case s/he already has the book, a free copy of our Book of the Month.

Chris Bendon (1950-2011) / Book of the month:
Poetry Salzburg has received the sad news that Chris Bendon (1950-2011) passed away at his home in Lampeteron 1 November, 2011. Chris was a poet, playwright, short fiction writer and critic. He studied English atSt. David's University College, Lampeter (now University of Wales, Trinity Saint David) from 1977-1980,and was widely published. As well as the numerous inclusions in anthologies and periodicals includingNew Welsh Review, Poetry Wales, London Magazine, The Rialto, The Poet's Voice,Poetry Salzburg Review, and New England Review, Chris published 13 volumes of poetry in his lifetime.A fourteenth was at proof stage at the time of his death. He was awarded the Hugh MacDiarmid Memorial Trophy, won £1,000in the World Wide Fund for Nature/Guardian Poetry Competition. Poetry Salzburg published the following booksby Chris Bendon: Jewry (1995), Crossover: A Play on Words or Libretto for an Imaginary Opera (1996),and Novella: A Novel Poem (1997). The books are still available. Poetry Salzburg'sBook of the Month - Jewry (1995) - was chosen in memoriam Chris Bendon. Our Books of the Month aresold at half price and delivered post free to our readers.

Poetry Salzburg Review 20 was released.

Terry Jones was awarded 1st prize (Poetry) by Carol Ann Duffy in this year's Bridport International Writing Competition.In June Poetry Salzburg published Terry's first pamphlet Furious Resonance.

Anne Born (1924-2011), who died in Salcombe, Devon, on 27 July 2011, was a long-time contributor and subscriber toPoetry Salzburg Review. Her life-long dedication to Scandinavian literature led to the publication of over fifty booksin translation from Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. She was the founding editor of Oversteps Books. She also managed topublish twelve books of poetry and history. To honour Anne Born, Poetry Salzburg announces as our first Book of the Monthher collection Histories, a cooperation with Alex Smith, that we published in 1998. Our Books of the Month willbe offered at half price and delivered post free to our readers.

Fore more information on Anne Born read the The Guardian obituary by Amanda Hopkinson athttp://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2011/aug/14/anne-born-obituary.

The press and the magazine have moved to new premises:

Poetry Salzburg / Poetry Salzburg Review
University of Salzburg
Department of English and American Studies
Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotz-Str. 1
5020 Salzburg

The fifth book in the new series PSPS, Terry Jones's Furious Resonance, was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 19 was released.

The Independent published Charles Lock's obituary for Anne Blonstein.

Almost exactly three years after she was diagnosed with cancer in the Spring of 2008, Anne Blonstein died in theIta Wegman Klinik in Arlesheim near Basel in the early hours of Tuesday April 19, 2011, three days before her 53rd birthday.In the last months, Anne carefully organised all the materials related to her published and unpublished work to be handedover to Charles Lock, a close friend and Professor of English Literature at the University of Copenhagen. Charles Lockwill administer her literary estate and can be reached at lock@hum.ku.dk.

Poetic Pilgrimages, a poetry festschrift celebrating the 80th birthday of James Hogg, the founder and editor of"Salzburg Studies in English Literature", was released today.

Glen Cavaliero's Towards the Waiting Sun was released.

Due to personal reasons David Miller has decided to leave the Editorial Board of Poetry Salzburg Review after thepublication of issue 19. David has been part of our team from the very first issue and is therefore its longest servingmember. His influence on the editorial policy of PSR cannot be overestimated. He commissioned many (young) poetsto contribute work to PSR, some of which was quite experimental. PSR has always had a catholic approach topoetry and does not want to limit itself to publishing primarily mainstream / conservative poetry. Even if David is not"on board" anymore we will not change this. We want to thank David for all the time and energy he has spent on making PSRthe successful magazine which it is now and wish him the very best for his future.

The fourth book in the new series PSPS, Mark Terrill's Laughing Butcher Berlin Blues, was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 18 was released.

The third book in the new series PSPS, Simon Rees's Animals, Beasts & Creatures, was released.

The second book in the new series PSPS, Robert Dassanowsky's Soft Mayhem, was released.

The first book in the new series PSPS, Paul Green's Gutter Talk, was released.

Poetry Salzburg announces its new series "Poetry Salzburg Pamphlet Series" (PSPS)

Poetry Salzburg Review 17 was released.

This is the first time that the publication of an issue has been considerably delayed. For this we offer due apologiesto our readers. The printer we have been working with for more than fifteen years went bankrupt, a fact of which we onlyreceived notice in late February when we were about to send in the CDROM of a new collection. It has been difficult to find aprinter willing to devote himself with the same care and degree of commitment to our projects and whose rates we could stillafford. Finally we have managed to sign a contract with Friedrich Druckerei in Baden-Württemberg. It is to be hoped that thenew partnership will once again be a long standing one.

Today we posted the CDROM for Poetry Salzburg Review 17 (Spring 2010) and we hope that we will receive the galleysfrom our printer soon. We will announce on our website when we start to post your copies of PSR 17.

Eric Ratcliffe (1918-2009) died in December 2009.
Poetry Salzburg published two of Eric's poetry collections, Fire in the Bush and Anthropos. In 1997 we also launched the memorial volume to Eric's magazine, Veins of Gold: Ore 1954-1995. It contains 100 poems from all issues, an 80 page bibliography alphabetically by author of every poem, article and review in the Ore run (by Andreas Schachermayr). The overall editing was by Wolfgang Görtschacherand Eric Ratcliffe. Guest articles by Derrick Gaskin, Brian Louis Pearce, Steve Sneyd, Margaret Toms, and Penelope Shuttle. All three volumes are still available.

Fore more information read Gerald England's blog:http://ackworthborn.blogspot.com/2010/01/in-memoriam-eric-ratcliffe-1918-2009.html.

Raymond Federman passed away in San Diego on 6 October 2009, aged 81.
His Poetry Salzburg book the precipice and other catastrophies / der abgrundund andere katastrophen is still available.

Poetry Salzburg Review 16 was released.

Author James Kirkup died on 10 May 2009, aged 91.
Fore more information read The Guardian obituary of James Kirkup by Glyn Pursglove and Alan Brownjohn:
All of his books by the University of Salzburg Press are still available.

Poetry Salzburg Review 15 was released.

William Bedford's Collecting Bottle Tops. Selected Poems 1960-2008 was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 14 was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 13 was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 12 was released.

Sheila Hamilton's Corridors of Babel was released.

Read the editorial of Poetry Salzburg Review 12.

James McConalogue's Starry Dandelion Night was released.

Special offer of PSR back copies. Read more about our special offer.

Now it is also possible to pay with Paypal (www.paypal.com)by using our email address: editor@poetrysalzburg.com.

Poetry Salzburg Review 11 was released.

Read the editorial of Poetry Salzburg Review 11.

Poetry Salzburg Review 10 was released.

The editorials of all issues of Poetry Salzburg Review can be read on-line now.

Read the editorial of Poetry Salzburg Review 10.

David Morrison's The Cutting Edge. Collected Poems 1966-2003 was released.

Daniel Thomas Moran's Looking for the Uncertain Past was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 9 was released.

The third book from the series SACS, Cheryl Alexander Malcolm's Unshtetling Narratives. Depictionsof Jewish Identities in British and American Literature and Film was released.

2005/10/01: The second book from the series SACS, Bahram Beyza'i's The Marionettes, ed. byJodi-Anne George, Parvin Loloi & Glyn Pursglove was released.

Poetry Salzburg Review 8 was released.

Please read our "guidelines" first before you send submissions for Poetry Salzburg Review / Poetry Salzburg.

The first book from the new series SACS, The Romantic Imagination. A William Oxley Casebook
(eds. Wolfgang Görtschacher & Andreas Schachermayr) was released.

Take a look at our new Feedback page.

If you want to submit your work, then please read the submission guidelines first.

Poetry Salzburg announces its new series "Salzburg Anglophone Critical Studies" (SACS)

Poetry Salzburg Review 7 was released!

January 2005:
Anne Blonstein's collection worked on screen was released.

© 2001-2013 Poetry Salzburg

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